
Or attempting to expand into a growing market.
The three things that have always made me roll my eyes at the “Electric cars are the future!” cries are the most obvious — charging time, battery range, and you can’t easily find an outlet every 20-30 miles like you can a gas station. For all the environmental benefits of

An aside ... when did this feature change its name from “Nice Price or Crack Pipe” and why? If it was explained in another article then I missed it.

I think what you’re looking for is this:

Yeah, I came away thinking the driver did a hell of a job to turn a situation that, if it happened on the highway, they’d be picking pieces of you off of various overpasses for a month; to what looked like a fairly routine racing spin where he barely even hit the barrier if he hit it at all.

I always buy new because I have a 120-mile round-trip commute that I need to make at least three or four times a week. Putting 30,000 miles on my car per year is not unusual. If I’m going to be financing a car for several years either way, I figure I’ll start the odometer at zero and get full warranty coverage for

What is the rectangular thing next to the spare tire in the trunk? Is it a spare gas can, tool kit or something else?

Or put one inside a NASCAR tire for a couple of laps around Talladega at 200 mph.

Seeing as the damaged wheel is the left front, how would you hit a curb hard enough to do that? You’d be more inclined to see that on the right front wheel (like from taking a turn too fast and tight), wouldn’t you?

So Bolivians will be sent to Oblivion?

According to her the world is going to end in 2032, so there’s not much time for smaller steps.

Referring to a car that was built the same year I graduated high school as “a classic car” makes me feel very old and very sad.

If you modify an old hot rod it’s called a Chopped Coupe, right?

Putting aside the seventh-grade humor for a second (but just a second, because these comments have been great), does anyone else think it looks like a Rubbermaid container with wheels?

Or they can make a day of it by going to get some camping gear. That way they can get some Dicks and some In ‘N Out in the eBussy.

Imagine if you use this vehicle for a fishing trip.

Naw. It’s Friday night. That’s really more of a “during the week” activity, ya know?

Any time I click on a New Deadspin article I feel like I need a shower afterward.

Don’t you have a riot to go to or something?

Somali Patient: Doctor, my foot hurts. I stepped on a broken piece of glass in the street and don’t have shoes. Can you help me?
Somali Doctor: Absolutely!
<Doctor pulls out AK-47>
Somali Doctor: Next patient!