And you don’t think that bill is going to come due at some point?
And you don’t think that bill is going to come due at some point?
You would think, but Googling “prison smuggling weapons vagina” turns up a remarkable number of stories. More than a few women have seen fit to use it as a purse.
Ironic that we get a reference to Beaverton, on a post about a woman showing her beaver a ton.
I was the exact opposite. I had a respectable collection of G.I. Joe figures and vehicles that I took great care of. Some the figures had normal wear and tear like broken thumbs, but they were in one piece and the vehicles had all of their parts. I had bought most of them myself, so maybe that was part of it.
We would often take road trips from New Jersey to Florida in the 80s. Me, Mom and Dad, and my two teenage sisters crammed into a station wagon for roughly 25-30 hours each way.
Me and my oldest sister had to share the backseat. Middle Sis got the back of the wagon all to herself. She was crammed in back there with the…
One of our cars growing up was a 1983 Mercury Lynx wagon. When we would take long trips, naturally I’d do a lot of playing in the back of the wagon while my parents drove.
I don’t think Ramsey’s show is geared toward answering those questions. Having listened to him from time to time, it’s probably not a stretch to say he’d say the same thing. If you want that, call Clark Howard.
Ramsey’s goal is more to help people to break bad financial habits, and set them on a path to success. He…
Having listened to his show off and on for years, most of the people who call in are in trouble precisely because they’ve done the things you’ve described when they weren’t in a position to afford it.
How about a group of 10 or 20 people beating on your car and pulling at your door handle? Does that qualify as a “dangerous situation?” Because there have been plenty of videos where that has been happening.
If you listen to the BLM crowd and a lot of folks on this board, zero. They are all heartless murderers finally seizing on the opportunity to run their car through a crowd of innocent people that they’ve been waiting on for decades. The protesters that have been burning down cities would never threaten someone in a…
So what happened to make them speed up?
They saw the chance to fulfill a dream to commit mass murder and said, “Damn, I’ve gotta get in on that!”?
I think the Diversity Ritual is what corporate PR flacks perform right before they send out a news release on issues of race, to ensure that all of the correct buzzwords are included and to make sure it sounds as complex and hip as possible while actually saying nothing of substance.
There are a number of fire departments that also use Explorers and Ford trucks, and Ford also makes ambulances. I’d venture a guess that they’re all lumped into the same contracts with various cities.
FWIW, I’m skeptical that those protesters were actually taxpayers in the classical sense.
This plan stinks.
My first thought was, “Yeah, that thing could probably use some armor.”
Then I saw this and thought, “Damn, our grandfathers were badass for tooling around sniper-filled war zones in open top jeeps.”
Surely this is just a prototype frame, and there will at least be some minimal armor (or doors, or canvas, or a grille) to offer nominal protection for the important parts and equipment from some small arms fire.
The SEC threat was toothless. Its major championship events are all held elsewhere (and never would come to Mississippi anyway), and there were only a handful of minor championship events scheduled in the on-campus rotation in the next 5-6 years (and none until 2022).
I have not, but I’ll try to check them out. Now Playing usually fills my movie fix.