I’m impressed at all of these tree puns. I thought we’d only get a few, but now we’re really branching out.
I’m impressed at all of these tree puns. I thought we’d only get a few, but now we’re really branching out.
Nowplayingpodcast.com is a great one.
This list affirms what I’ve come to realize over the last 15-20 years — most foreign cars these days are more American than American brands are. Honda, Toyota, Nissan and Mercedes are just a few of the foreign manufacturers that have major plants in the U.S. Two of them have plants in my state that employ thousands of…
Who are these Americans of which you speak?
I’ve seen people count on their fingers that way (I do it myself), but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone tell another person that there are three of something while using their thumb, or done that myself. I usually go index-middle-ring, but Hamlin’s gesture isn’t unusual.
I wasn’t talking about designing a new plane, though. Just taking the plans for the proven design of the B-52 and building some new airframes with the modernized engines and specs.
I’m sure his sponsors were happy. He’s gotten them a lot of time in the spotlight this season, seeing as how that was the third race he’s won this season.
Oh, look, that’s the same number of fingers he’s holding up!
We’re not exactly sending the Constitution on patrol, though.
This might be a dumb question, but if they’re planning to keep the B-52 in service for another 70 or 80 years, then why don’t they build some new ones?
I know the production lines have long been shut down, but if it’s a cheap and viable platform then would it be worth it to build 70 or 80 new ones to gradually replace…
So do people into BDSM now have to refer to themselves as “Dungeon Primary” and “Secondary?”
White is usually used as the color of “good” because it denotes light and brightness, warmth and life.
White (the actual color) is brighter and more inviting than black (the actual color), for example, if you paint a room. A room painted white is much more appealing than a room painted pitch black.
Gravity hole?
Master of Puppets, The Black Album ... seems like Metallica is the most racist band that ever lived.
They also manipulate the yellow light times to cause more people to run red lights, which generates more revenue. And if you try to fight the issue, the companies and local governments might not take kindly to messing with their cash cow.
I miss the days of cars riding around the back of the field at Martinsville or Bristol with no hood and an exposed engine, just to collect a few extra points.
David Tracy also would have found a way to drive the truck, with the rock in the back, halfway across the country.
But my last geology class was too long ago for me to identify this boulder, so, I’ll look forward to reviewing the comments for guesses later.
“Death Whistle” would be an awesome name for a band of flautists that play nothing but heavy metal covers.
Look, you want to protest and march, fine. You do you. I think all civilized society asks is that you don’t be an asshole. Don’t let it get violent, don’t inconvenience others who are just trying to live their lives and get to work, don’t be overly obnoxious.
Or, you know, don’t run onto a restricted-access freeway where cars traveling at 70+ mph have the unquestioned right of way. Just because you can physically do something doesn’t mean it’s smart to do it.
What I was thinking, too. Seems like for even the most aggressive policing of copyright infringement, seizing the car would be more trouble than it’s worth when a cheap cease and desist letter would probably get the job done.