I know of a least one youtuber who got banned for stealing content from her own soundcloud.
I know of a least one youtuber who got banned for stealing content from her own soundcloud.
I refuse to accept that the generation after me can legally drink.
Eh. Most millenials don't have the kind of issues with gen z that the boomers had with gen x or the millenials.
And then you get to spend another hour learning basic WASD controls and running around with robo-JarJar.
It also starts with a 74 minute unskippable cutscene.
Borderlands 3 is the worst offender of recent games.
I absolutely need this for Borderlands.
Parts of it are, but not parts like in a museum. Except that one museum with the whale penis.
In that case you probably know better than me if he's a good person, so I'll leave it up to you.
In that case you probably know better than me if he's a good person, so I'll leave it up to you.
In that case you probably know better than me if he's a good person, so I'll leave it up to you.
No. Writers are good folk. Probably. I've never met them.
Nothing that's going on is the writers fault in any way.
They are censoring user myopicprophet so this is his message:
So g/o has started nuking personal kinjas that are critical. Here’s a discord for refugees: https://discordapp.com/invite/VEeXam7
When I tried to go to splinterrip.kinja.com
They were anonymized.
So g/o has started nuking personal kinjas that are critical. Here’s a discord for refugees: https://discordapp.com/invite/VEeXam7
So g/o has started nuking personal kinjas that are critical. Here’s a discord for refugees: https://discordapp.com/invite/VEeXam7
Don't thank me, there's a great crew over there that put in noble work.