Manny Both-Hanz died
moralpanic is the place to start. 

I started as a failsafe if they kill kinja. And there’s a discord being promoted on the RIP sites that’s worth checking out.

Sort of. They incompetently locked them but you can still get to some via author profiles. 

Wait, are they letting their customers have their say and ability to give their opinion on the product? How novel. 

Yep, cool. You copied the op deck from every online. Have fun trying to find opponents who actually playout the game and enjoy all those nonexistant rewards from the free win.

The annoying thing about Oko is that he’s also ruining Brawl. This cool new format that’s essentially tailor made for new players online is being completely dominated by a specifically anti-fun card that’s just oppressive. He’s not as bad as Teferi was, but in Brawl he’s just so much more dominant.

Pants or no pants? 

If this isn't a sport, it should be. 

One of the hills I will always die on is that Darko could have been a great player if Larry Brown hadn’t decided to absolutely destroy him.

I tend to like Maddow, but Hayes was on this a week before. Maybe they won’t be punished if it’s both of them.

Chris Hayes did it a week before. 

They fired Phil Donahue when he was their top rated show. Though it would be harder in this case given the subject matter.

I'm amazed at how many people think you're saying those games are competing with each other instead of the fact that they come out with new versions every year with minimal changes. 

When did they add io? I remember it from the early mode, but not actually in underlords.

Warren Buffet famously bet a million dollars that no managed funds could out perform the market over a ten year period if they had to pick the specific funds in advance. Only one manager took him up on it, and said manager conceded in year nine. 

Uncommon on our campus” sounds suspiciously like “this has happened before”.

Like I said, we’re only white when it’s convenient for others. Whiteness is a very flexible term.

I mean, it’s just a shift in rhetoric. He’s been banging that drum for a long time. If it was coming with some dramatic policy change, that’d be a reasonable concern. The problem is people only listened to soundbites of his speeches, and are constantly being told he’s just talking about one thing all the time.