Manny Both-Hanz died

Andrews Jackson and Johnson. The first for being a genocidal maniac, the latter for essentially reversing reconstruction.

I did lead this whole thing by saying Bush was probably worse. I’m not sure why people are pretending I said I was okay with him. Bush and Trump are clearly the 3rd and 4th worst presidents we’ve had, in some order.

I mean, I think both are terrible. Which is why I said I think Bush was probably a worse president. But Trump is threatening our existence as a democracy, which is import to me. And his actions internationally continue to support dictatorships and imperil the rest of the world. 

Replace the name SI with Amway and it will make more sense. 

I honestly think the worst part of the whole letter is how they keep calling the freelancers “entrepreneurs”. The first thing that comes to mind is every multi-level marketing scheme ever. It’s like these guys looked at the whole scummy “exposure as payment” business model and decided, what if we made people pay to

The thing is, with this situation all we needed to do was have some troops physically there. Turkey was never going to attack US soldiers, which is why this green light matters.

Yes I do think having a system of laws in place that prevent individuals from becoming dictators is important. But since you don’t actually think the US should exist, I don’t really give a crap about your take on US institutions. 

It’s absolutely “let”. We made an agreement with the Kurds that we would protect them in exchange for their help with ISIS. They drew down their defensive positions because we promised to protect them. Leaving your allies to get slaughtered is disgusting.

I think your point about moral relativism is silly, but I absolutely agree the that attempt to pretend Bush was normal is disgusting. And Green Party members should absolutely be ashamed that they couldn’t tell the difference between Bush/Trump and Gore/Clinton.

There’s a difference between breaking some laws, and completely subverting the entire system to where laws don’t apply.

Except for the rampant lawlessness, Bush was actually a much worse president than Trump. That is a big "except" though. 

Needing to level a bit is one thing. Having to individually grind out level after level for a half dozen team members or training a specific skill by mindlessly repeating specific tasks is another. If the natural game flow requires you to spend hours grinding to progress in between actual game elements, that’s poor

I hate this idea that grinding is some vital part of gaming. It’s a terrible mechanic that just serves as artificial length for games. There’s nothing challenging about killing slimes or whatever for 10 hours, it’s just pointless tedium.

Not only did the judge get in on the act, she gave the defendant a bible and instructions on Christianity. Just imagine if it was a Quran.

I highly recommend you check out the episodes the podcast “Behind the Bastards” did about him.

Actually, accusations of infidelity are generally defamation per se, so she wouldn’t have to prove she was harmed. That part would only be relevant in the amount of the verdict, and punitive damages are allowed there.

Fun fact: “cultural fit” is also a good way to not have to hire women or minorities. Or at least it’s an excuse.

Have you seen his political coverage the last couple of decades?

Also, Woodward has kinda been terrible for a while now. He’s just coasting off of that one story.

if they would have reported on her allegations had they been against a local judge rather than Supreme Court nominee.