
9/11? Seriously? No one can use smoke anyone more without you thinking that? lol

This is exactly how you end up living with your auntie and uncle in a town called Bel Air.

Day: What the fuck did I do?

Yes, I agree, women who play professional sports should be fairly compensated. And the disparity between losing in the first round of the men’s FIFA World Cup and winning the women’s FIFA World Cup should not be so stark - particularly for an organization wit h so much money running around. HOWEVER, some of the reason

Reddit has 164MILLION unique visitors every month. Reddit is full of all sorts of people. Get off the front page and explore smaller subs and you’ll find some of the most intelligent, kind people you’ll ever interact with.

Google Car! please change your accommodative settings from “Canadian” to “Massachusetts”

This from a man who defended bears in the past.

Out of all that, Ra’s eating is by far the best.

You...didn’t see them go burn down a bunch of tents? You didn’t catch the obvious beating of that point into you when Davos knew that exactly 20 men did the burning and horse killing?

At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.

This really should have been the Patriots’ punishment.

Ditto Kerbal Space Program

Reminded me of Sucker Punch more than anything else

You mean Cortland Innegan

All of the critiques I have for this policy are concisely stated in a metaphor published alongside that policy. . . I have nothing else to say. It's poetic, when you think about it.

There's a definite correlation between the legitimacy of a groups ideas and the length of their URL.

Yeah. Wrote it one handed.

Well, the offense chooses and runs the play, the defense reacts to it. So if you're judging plays, judge the guys who called it.

Hi Mr.Adams, I knew you weren't dead.