
It’s also amazing for homemade salad dressing. That little shaker ball is excellent at blending oil- and water-based ingredients.

A word of warning: this works great, but the battery life is unimpressive. I live in a 2-bed apartment and we only get about 1000 square feet of vacuuming on one load. If you want to vacuum a whole house, this might not be the one you want.

A word of warning: this works great, but the battery life is unimpressive. I live in a 2-bed apartment and we only

This is a very odd assortment of parts. A Brooks saddle is an expensive, niche choice that has to be broken in. There are dozens of saddles under $50 that would be a better beginner choice. Tubeless 29-inch tires are also not a common use case except on serious mountain bikes. And those mid-riser bars are more

This is a very odd assortment of parts. A Brooks saddle is an expensive, niche choice that has to be broken in.

Autopilot questions aside, if you have to hit something at highway speed, the roof of a box truck full of liquid is about as soft as they come.

And if you want to create a complex shortcut like Ctrl + Shift + Insert or whatever, too bad. It’s not on the list.

And if you want to create a complex shortcut like Ctrl + Shift + Insert or whatever, too bad. It’s not on the list.

Iroha is also literally a brand of vibrators. Horniness is baked right in.

Am I the only person who hasn’t used an optical drive since GW was in office? This is all well and good but 1) the disc itself is still plastic and 2) digital downloads are clearly a superior option in terms of environmental impact.

As a cyclist, I’ve said this for years, though obviously the scale is different. Just do what you’re supposed to do, signal before you turn, go when the light is green and stop when it’s red, and I’ll handle the rest.

Oh good, now we can have the “ethics in gaming journalism” discussions again.

I had a 1995 Volvo 850 until February of this year, and I used this thing every day.

I’m trying to wrap my head around the naivete of thinking that Kotaku isn’t already involved in this.

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere and it’s the middle of the day, the Sun is roughly in the south. Most city grids are roughly north-south. That’s close enough to tell which way to walk, 99% of the time.

A compass.

Have you considered a compass?

The 4th-and-15 rule would be for every kickoff. 99 percent of the time, teams would just punt, but occasionally someone would come out in the offense (onside kick) or run a fake punt (surprise onside kick). 

The word “tire” dates back to the 15th century, short for “attire,” referring to the iron cladding on a wooden carriage wheel. Settle down.

Agreed, but often you can’t even tell that someone has headphones on. Especially with Airpods and the like.

I’ll add that in my experience, 9 out of 10 joggers on the bike paths have music on, so they can’t hear you. No, that’s probably not safe, but you have to be prepared to assume that no one can hear you.

Don't forget USB-C. 

Maybe the reasoning is that if the real refs aren’t going to make the right call, we’ll do it ourselves?