
Also, the NFCE is pretty compact, Cowboys excluded. Giants and Skins fans probably live close enough that driving to the stadium ON game day and parking in the lot like everyone else is plausible. They don’t need hotels.

I’m a Broncos fan and the closest division stadium is a 9-hour drive or a half-day in airports. You

Plus, if you build it yourself, you can name it!

I live at the same altitude and I’ve had very good luck with steaming. I use one of those fold-out steamer tray things, fill the pot so that the water doesn’t come up to the tray, and bring it to a boil, then add the eggs and do 15 minutes, followed by the ice bath. Perfect peel every time.

I use a pretty random 12-character string (I know what it means, but it’d be damn near impossible to guess), then tack on another 4 or so characters on the end for the site — “face” for Facebook, “goog” for Google, “spot” for Spotify, etc.

Google does it based on your change in speed from driving to walking (I suppose that requires location turned on). It’s pretty reliable, though I’ve noticed that crawling around looking for parking can throw it off.

Google does it based on your change in speed from driving to walking (I suppose that requires location turned on).

It’s definitely one of the least physically taxing Olympic events, but I suspect the difference between an amateur and a pro, in terms of seeing the angles, is astronomical. Like when you play someone who’s genuinely good at pool or darts and it just looks like ludicrous good luck but is actually talent.

I’d say “feel badly” and “feel poorly” are interchangeable (and both correct) in that context. Think of it like any other action. “He sings badly” and “he sings poorly” are effectively the same thing.

I have baby skin too, and this is the only thing that’s given me a close shave without irritation. I will say that irritation is worse if I shave in the shower, as opposed to shaving and then showering, but in general I’ve been blown away by this.

I have baby skin too, and this is the only thing that’s given me a close shave without irritation. I will say that

I went to the game last night and he looked fine.

Weird that Nike also does NFL jerseys, which have been fine (Color Rush aside) despite taking way more abuse, but they can’t get basketball right.

But if you and I aren’t Biggest Loser contestants, does that mean anything for us?

His cat commentary was the best part of the second half.

I think most people just think of Advent as “the part of December before Christmas.”

I think most people just think of Advent as “the part of December before Christmas.”

Dammit, I had already copied down the quote to make this comment when I scrolled down and found yours. Have a star.

I super don’t believe you. No one is legitimately saying the Pats manufactured fog. This is the “you look at what’s happening in Sweden” of Kinja comments.

So you think you know better than Hayden Kennedy, arguably the most accomplished mountaineer under the age of 30 that has ever lived, what to do in a crisis in the mountains?

He couldn’t have called for help until he got down, and he knew (having decades more experience in the mountains than you) that death happens in minutes under an avalanche. Her only hope was if he could find her himself.

He never found her, though he did dig a substantial hole (probably probed randomly until he hit something and then dug there). His hole was in the wrong place, and it took nine rescuers and two dogs over an hour to find her body. But there’s no oxygen under an avalanche, he knew she was dead long before he stopped

They weren’t even on snow at first, just hiking a dirt trail. And for people with this level of experience, Imp Peak is a very casual day out. You also don’t expect a slide on the ascent, since you’re on a ridge. Most mountaineers would have done the same, switching the beacons on only for the descent. You’re right

Yes, a 1'-2' slide can kill. You’re right to acknowledge your naivete, because I think you’ve misunderstood the dimensions of the slide. 150' wide, 300' long, at a depth of 1' is the snow that started sliding. And 1'-2' is the depth of the crown, meaning the rest of the slope is probably deeper. Then it piled up at