
You think he somehow intentionally triggered an avalanche, somehow in a predictable enough way that it fully buried his girlfriend but not him, then spent hours searching and digging for her (well-documented by photos of the scene), then walked out and killed himself in his own while making sure to leave detailed

I used to do a Tabata class — 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off — that warmed up with burpees. Eight sets total. Set one felt fine, set two is hard, sets three through eight are just a fever dream.

I think the most optimistic result of that schedule is to beat the Rams, Niners, and maybe split with Washington. 0 wins is totally plausible, 4-5 is nearly impossible.

Pshh he’s only got 7" and 140 pounds on me, I could take him.

They hold up the fist for 4th down too. And do the incomplete arms. And face mask and horse collar and holding and

The Pentagon is fucking gigantic. It covers 29 acres and has 17 miles of hallways. It would take you 24 hours to find someone there if they weren’t hiding.

Peyton Manning and Brandon Stokley were both 36 in 2012 and had several TD connections, that’s 72.

Jeopardy stories are the least interesting thing to ever happen on TV. Literally any event from your life will suffice.

Ok, so where’s the camera? I still maintain that the original video looks like CGI, and without seeing a camera setup that doesn’t affect aero at 200+mph, this answers no questions. All this shows us is that they HAVE two of them.

Someone on Twitter asked “what happened to Zeke?!?!?” and Brandon Marshall (the linebacker one) just said “Denver D happened.” It’s pretty simple. Like the Vikings D against Cam last year, or the Seahawks D in SB 48, or any number of other examples. When a defense is clicking, the offense just disintegrates.

It is extra annoying that there is a past Jimmy Smith who was a WR and a current Jimmy Smith who is a CB, and they’re both Ravens.

“My kids aren’t dead, therefore I did everything right as a parent.”

I think I speak for the rest of the Broncos fanbase when I say we’ll take him. Brees has had his peak wasted on bad defenses, and the Broncos are threatening to waste an incredible defense on mediocre quarterbacks. We’ll pick up Brees while Trevor is still on his rookie deal, go get a ring real quick, and then he can

I agree completely. I remember watching the 2-minute drill, with Chiefs receivers repeatedly getting out of bounds on crossing routes and perfectly-timed timeouts, and having to explain to my girlfriend that “he’s usually not good at clock management but this is really impressive”

Previous 7-4-3 triple plays in that database:

My only experience with them has been when I’m on a bike at a red light, then the light turns green and I can hear them all starting, which is distracting and screws up my ability to clip back in. So I don’t hate them, but they’re very unsettling.

Why don’t more NFL punters do the college-style punt, rolling hard to their kicking side? Is it just harder to block or something?

Could have hit him anywhere between knees and neck. The Browns player is practically on the ground to make that hit. Would have been easier to hit him in the hips.

The Nissan Rogue. I remember the halcyon days of 2006, when Brammo was going to make the first all-American V12 supercar and call it the Rogue GT. It failed, allowing Nissan to take the Rogue trademark and apply it to the exact opposite: a quintessentially bland small SUV. It comes with a 170-hp four-cylinder engine

But the Packers are about to play Talib in the so-called “dress rehearsal,” so they might see a lot worse.