
Took us 10 hours to cover the 278 miles from Casper to Boulder, and I’ve heard some say it took them longer.

This is my biggest beef with these new interfaces (admittedly, I haven’t used very many). I drive a 20-year-old Volvo and I can do LITERALLY ANYTHING with the HVAC and radio system without taking my eyes off the road. Mirrors too. And windows and defrosters and wipers and so on and so on.

Take away physical buttons and

Worth it for XCOM 2 alone.

Worth it for XCOM 2 alone.

I’ve been using Purple Rain.

I ride across train tracks a lot, and these are set up very poorly, BUT ALSO most of these people really suck at hitting them at the right angle.

The Cleveland Browns have had back-to-back winning seasons more recently than the Carolina Panthers.

Let’s be real, no Mustang owner will EVER use this.

Oh great, the not-on-fire are subsidizing firefighters to put out the currently-on-fire.

Am I the only one that didn’t know it could move?

I put about ten hours into it last weekend, and I love it. Like Banished (into which I’ve also sunk a ton of time) but without the overwhelming stress and inexplicable mass starvations.

Because she’d have to be in a room with him.

Also, don’t dragons have scales? Like really thick, armored scales? The fact that the ballista bolt (barely) penetrated (the thinnest part of) the dragon’s (unarmored) orbital bone means precisely dick about its real-world capability.

So the person in charge of Sleepy Hollow, a promising show that tanked after season one, and Elektra, which scores one point higher on RT than Catwoman (10% and 9% respectively), is taking over Iron Fist and you’re saying that’s a good thing?

Yes it is.

You forgot about the Rich Moron market. I know someone with a D810 who shoots JPG because Facebook won’t upload RAW.

I’ll take the middle ground here. You’re allowed to bring your kids to the brewery, but you are NOT allowed to criticize any aspect of my kidless behavior if you do. I’m gonna say “fuck” when I lose at cornhole. If you don’t want your kid hearing the word “fuck,” don’t bring it.

About two months ago, my trivia team started calling ourselves Trumpster Fire, because it seemed relevant. I’m pretty sure it will never be irrelevant again.

“Defendant’s Commercials were objectionable because they featured repeated homicides in a dark, dystopian landscape, where violence is glorified as sport”

Girlfriend, not sister.

This is what a normal person looks like throwing as hard as they can.