
“You get NOTHING! Good DAY sir!”

We should all strive to the level of “restraint” displayed by Tom Haley’s banana hammock.

“the fact that he didn’t actually hit the cop car suggests that the distance he was driving was, in fact, safe enough”

This is a goddamn masterstroke.

Condolence high five.

First time in all my 40-plus years sports writing I’ve seen the word shit in a headline.

Hard to judge what that was like from inside the plane, but from the outside it was quite a lot less violent than I was expecting. Wings stayed on, didn’t roll or catch fire or explode. Maybe Hollywood has jaded me but that wasn’t so bad.

Love that they mocked it up in San Francisco, where it almost certainly will not be sold.

The disconnect between amateur and pro is more pronounced in baseball than anywhere else. I mean, I can spiral a football 25 yards. I can kick a soccer ball with reasonable accuracy. I can serve a tennis ball and get it in the box most of the time. I understand how those things work.

Philly is a hard place to play for visitors. The crowd is invested, passionate, emotional.

Super excited for 10/13, when the Broncos in blue will take on the Chargers in also blue. Couldn’t have gone with orange and blue, or blue and yellow, no…blue and blue.

Hey, Baltimore? We already tried that.

He was obviously in violation, and obviously jumped the line in order to cut off Dixon on a course that’s really hard to pass on. That said, it really seems like they should dump that pit lane around the braking point of the main straight, not right into a corner.

That’s not a pun.

Every single thing Vin Scully says makes me feel better about my day.

Zenvo ST-1, anyone?

Why is the heart eyes one so negative?

Yeah, it’s basically just adjustable brakes on wheels. It must be heavy, too, or the truck would just drag it with the wheels locked up.

If you killed a guy who was not already trying to kill you, you were the aggressor. End of story.

Came here to ask that, thanks.