
Among other things, a balk occurs when a pitcher:

Came here to point out BMR. For someone my size, it’s 1800 calories a day. That means I could eat three Big Macs a day (540 cal), exercise not at all, and lose weight.

Even crazier: so far, he has ONLY hit homers. He’s had 14 ABs so far, 4 HR, 16 total bases. No singles, no doubles, no triples, no walks. Kid swings for the fences on every damn pitch.

There are 23 ways for a player to get to first base. TWENTY-THREE. I asked my friend who pitched all through college to name them, and he came up with ten.

My favorite: if there is a runner on first base when the game is suspended. If this runner then gets traded prior to the makeup, a new player is allowed to take his

That’s what happens with no project manager.

Riley Curry is 3, that’s a different weight class.

Is the intention to have cameras in these cars when they go to market, or just LIDAR data and such? Seems like the cameras could be super useful in the case of an accident.

“Hey look! Some people are talking about a thing! I should go over there and tell them that I don’t like that thing.”

Unless he abducted a child, Fusion guy was overreacting.

Chip’s just upset that people were actually watching when a rookie shortstop went yard on his prize pitcher.

I was cleaning my apartment and found a little foam football, some promotional stress thing. Stepped out on the porch and threw it across the parking lot, probably 50+ yards, right into the open trash can, in the dark. No one saw it and I’ll never be that cool again.

Do they use mo-cap on a guy like this to get those animations in the first place? I have to imagine that skill set is hard to find.

I am convinced that Japanese people look 30 until they’re 60, and then promptly look 100 until death.

There’s a rumor—very thin, but a fairly trustworthy source—that Google is going to take on the Echo. If the voice recognition is as good as it is in Android, that could be the solution you’re looking for.

It’s a speed-skiing suit. Something about space-age technology or aerodynamics or something.

Being rich and old Sitting next to Phil Simms for 12 years rots your brain.

He obviously didn’t think the kyryponite was that precious, cause he made the spearhead out of it by blasting it with a laser while doing his 100% tire-based workout. He stole a chunk the size of a basketball and got one spearhead and two smoke grenades out of it.

First of all, the probe was moving at 29 miles per second. You can’t take a photo from that kind of speed. Secondly, Jupiter’s cloud layer (the part where you might be able to see anything if you weren’t in the middle of a cloud of ammonium crystals) is only about 30 miles thick. So the probe moved through it in one

Nitpicking, but just because the seat experienced 45G doesn’t mean that the driver did. The seat and car are much more rigid than the person, and the squishiness of a human reduces the acceleration felt by a little bit.

How about the one where a bunch of bodybuilders couldn’t figure out how many days are in a week?