
I feel like you should clarify that this is a mockup, not a photo. As it is clearly not a photo. The clone stamping in the middle and on the right edge is really obvious.

I sigh when I see someone bragging about a Firefox feature that Chrome had three years earlier.

That's pretty much the perfect cast to pit muscle against technology.

Theory: he has a very short lens (wide angle) on his camera, and it genuinely doesn't look that close to him.

The FDA prohibits tissue donations from donors it believes carry risk factors for communicable diseases, such as HIV

65 percent of a credit card number only gets you 10 digits, leaving exactly one million combinations for the other six. I'm not worried.

Islam is not a race.

Further evidence of the importance of distinguishing equal treatment from fair treatment, and referring to them appropriately.

When asked why there was only one set of footprints, Jesus replied, "the sand people ride single file to hide their numbers."

The physics were bull, the call was not. The Browns player caught the ball in the endzone, left the endzone, and was then tackled back into the endzone. That's a safety.

The MLB, like the other three major leagues, has no rule stating that its players must be male. It's a matter of two things, and you can decide which you think is a bigger factor.

There is no scale of this phenomenon. The human eye is literally not capable of distinguishing the difference in apparent size between a "supermoon" and the full moons before and after it, which are less than 1% smaller. Even the smallest possible full moon (farthest away) is only 14% smaller than the "supermoon."

Unless you live at high altitude. Planes are pressurized to the equivalent of about 8,000 feet, so if you live in Colorado the effects are negligible.

Maybe she just means that her vagina accepts coins and spits out babies, and she's worried that she'll lose that source of income.

No it's not. It's so that you know your camera actually took a picture. If it was a security feature, you wouldn't be able to turn it off.

Vacuum tubes are obsolete as a form of electrical component, but cathode-ray tubes are still in lots of cheap TVs. That's what I always assumed "the tube" referred to.

More precisely, it's the past participle of "dire," which is "to say." "Lui ha detto…" means "he has said…," for example. So when they use it in a column of dates, for example, it's as if to say "this has already been said."

There's a difference between the standard (as in SI) unit of power and the colloquial term. Newtons is the standard unit of weight, but I don't know anyone who knows their weight in N.

Soap operas are called that because they were originally sponsored and produced by soap manufacturers as advertising. The first one was in 1930. This is not breaking news.