
I'm not so starry-eyed as to think that day will ever come, at least not in my lifetime.

The driver was going much too fast for conditions and his car, and was not steering the car in a direction occupied by a road, but in an entirely separate direction, in which lay a building and some people.

Honestly, it's probably more fuel efficient (when driven normally around town) than the average family car was 30-40 years ago. High teens, low 20s. After all, the 1970 Chevy Malibu had a 6.6L V8 that only made 330 hp and averaged 13 mpg. I'm betting this one will do better.

it's not about turning sexual intercourse into some kind of rigorous checklist that requires couples to stop and deliberate every time they try a new sex-thing.

Idea: disable the use of embedded images and let people comment with words instead of Doctor Who gifs.

Sure, you'd rather he never had to make a catch like that. But it's nice to know he can.

there are tons and tons of trolls doing exactly what she described her husband doing, who probably have wives, girlfriends and children

I'm somewhat conflicted about their "cinched waists," hair, makeup, etc. On the one hand, they do continue the sort of "girly" stereotypes, and many female geologists (for example) probably don't bother with makeup when going to work outside in the dirt all day. But on the other hand, if you don't give them some

I agree. Football players say the same thing (their arms are pretty much bare and they're on the ground a lot), but that doesn't mean that FIFA is making a bad decision here.

That pothole made me cringe hard.

contains enough bullshit to fertilize every farm owned by Monsanto.

It's not an inside joke, it's a cynical accusation that NASA will latch on to any hare-brained theory, no matter how crazy, to ensure their continued funding.

I made this one in July of last year because a friend bet me I couldn't make a dick with mapping software.

Not that I'm condoning this kind of activity, but I'm not sure squirrels can die from falling. I suspect they're light enough and fluffy enough that their terminal velocity would not, in fact, be fatal. I know this to be true of cats in most circumstances, and squirrels are smaller than cats.

I like to think I'm pretty open-minded about people's kinks, but this is just messed up.

Technically, that is a legal move. But it was very much high and outside, and even if it had been in the strike zone, it had no speed and would have been blasted out of the park by any competent hitter. That's (one of the reasons) why pitchers don't do that.

Whatever you want to call it, it's awesome.

It depends how the idea's presented. If the question is "can we turn Technology N into a spaceship engine," then the answer is "we don't know yet." If, however, the presenter takes the somewhat bolder approach of saying "I've made a spaceship engine using technology that shouldn't work and that no one's seen

I think it should be someone who's been dead for a while, and thus has a more stable legacy. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is probably close enough because she's super old and not likely to do anything with her remaining years that would make us regret memorializing her like that, but I think Rosa Parks is a better idea.