
Nothing too fancy, but I like the way it came together. Stock Android, DashClock on the lock screen, Timely and Eye In Sky widgets on the home screen. Background image here.

It's pretty well known that the spot didn't exist when Galileo was looking at Jupiter. It's got to die sometime.

Beauty may have no gender, but Adam and Eve definitely did.

Just to clarify:

He was a relatively obscure character, but I liked Pascal from Tangled.

Every single fucking time a Gawker site talks about a guy jumping from space or some high school class sending a balloon to space or whatever, I point this out. And now you start to acknowledge it.

(I know that you, Paul Thompson, are not personally responsible for the abuse of the term. This isn't personal.)

Heat conduction and heat absorption are NOT the same thing, and yet you seem to use them interchangeably.

"500ths" is not the same as "5 100ths," which would be accurate but still an awkward way to write it. "Five hundredths of a second" or ".05 seconds" would make more sense.

Boulder, CO. The Outback, hands down. Absolutely crawling with them. We also have a decent number of Model S sedans around, but Subaru reigns supreme here.

Is that a period joke? It sounds like a period joke.

We should really do something about these kids and their…AM radios.

I'm fine with "deceptive." They're basically saying "come to the Seahawks, you'll have more of a chance to prove yourself and make the final roster," when that is in fact not true. It was true in 2013, but that was a fluke because they had a weird draft.

I can't watch the video, but it does kind of matter how this is structured. Do women volunteer to be in this draft pool? Are the boys doing the draft for the right to ask girls first, thus avoiding the awkwardness of a bunch of them asking the same person? If someone "drafts" the girl I like before me, what's

Banning fraternities because people get raped in them is like banning high schools because people get shot in them. Fraternities don't rape people, people rape people.

I hope that it will only come in the color scheme from that picture. Only black can convey how terrifying such a car should be.

Zac Efron looks … not terrible as a girl. I'm conflicted.

That is freaking adorable. I want to be friends with it.

The one on the left is not a pit bull.