
It's not a Möbius strip. Trace one side around and it distinctly fails to become the other side. It's cool, but not a Möbius strip.

Oh I know, it could be so much worse. I remember working with a single-core processor and 1 GB of ram in the old days of Final Cut when you couldn't even preview transition effects without rendering them. Those were the days of writing out the timing and duration of every effect and then rendering overnight to see

I used to get long breaks while dozens of Photoshop documents exported to various formats. Then they brought me a brand new computer. Now it takes seconds. Damn them…

Colin Kaepernick is being investigated for his tangential involvement in a situation that, so far, was neither sexual or violent. Thus far, all we know is that a woman fell asleep naked in a room near some athletes and woke up in a hospital, and that one of the athletes called the police to get them to come get the

My gut tells me that the Fiat will be slightly prettier, slightly less sporty, and with slightly more features. Friendlier to the non-purist. Which I like.

That's where you went wrong.

It's only inherently inefficient in that powering the rim requires more chain to move over the rear sprocket for a given distance forward than if the rear sprocket was mounted on the hub. On a standard bike in the example I gave, the bike will move 78" forward for every 46 teeth worth of chain that the pedals

He (or she or whatever) is explaining it poorly, but he's right. I checked around and it seems 46/16 is a pretty standard configuration for single speed bikes. That means that each rotation of the pedals will rotate the rear sprocket approximately three times, which means that the wheel will rotate three times. On

The issue is not making fun of this particular asshole. I am completely on board with making fun of this particular asshole. The issue is saying that he looks "exactly how you'd expect." The bigger issue is saying that anyone, in any context looks "exactly how you'd expect." By saying that someone who did behavior

He's likely not counting DOFP, as he's probably finished shooting any minor role he might have in it. So he could still show up there.

You are not paying attention. Recently, Dr. Janice Fiamengo (a woman) was due to deliver a lecture at the University of Ottawa "about men's issues and the double standards of feminism." Protestors from a group called "Feminists and Friends" hijacked the event, pounded on desks, blew horns, and eventually pulled the

Of course he IS a douche, I'm not arguing that. My point is that if there was an article entitled "Woman Arrested For Disrupting Lecture On Men's Rights Looks Exactly Like You'd Expect," there'd be riots on a site like this.

This just in: stereotyping based on appearance is fine if you don't like someone.

A quick reminder for everyone:

Actually, movies and TV shows pretty rarely feature STILL life, so as long as you stick to moving media only, you'll be ok. Alternative 2: remove your eyeballs, so that you can never be offended by any photograph (or type or genre of photography) again. Alternative 3: make a writing career of something other than

If still life photography (in a medium you don't particularly care for) makes you want to quit the internet, then you should have quit a LONG time ago.

Sunsets are red on Earth because our atmosphere scatters blue light away, leaving only red and orange left. Mars has a lot less atmosphere, so there's less scattering, so the sunset still has some blue in it.

Love the little shout-out to the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the correlation vs. causation section.

You know some car washes just spray soap and water, right? No brushes. Also, loving and appreciating your car does not necessarily mean keeping the pain in sparkly mint condition.

I believe the phrase "I fucking told you so" is appropriate here.