
There is absolutely no indication of the race of the athlete who wrote this. All you know is that he's a football player and that he writes poorly. Who's really jumping to conclusions here?

Funny how your immediate response is a childish attack on the personalities of those who dislike you.

If women weren't going to movies, it would be a clue that they didn't like what was in them. That's why women don't buy first-person-shooter games in anywhere near the numbers that men do. The fact that women are going to movies means that they do like what's in them, or at least don't sufficiently dislike what

"I'm Joni Ernst, and I don't understand figures of speech."

This man, standing in lush green grass, hasn't proven a damn thing. Yes, the sparks are hot enough to ignite grass. Yes, they go far enough. But is there actually enough heat present? Probably not.

Not related to food service, but I worked at one of those outdoor adventure park things in high school and was asked "at what altitude do deer turn into elk?"

Maybe that's why those guys aren't in charge of designing the rides…

Because according to creationists, spending a full hour explaining how evolution works on a morphological and genetic level and then pointing out hundreds of examples in both current research and fossil record is "blind faith."

Not only that, it's comparing a mountain to a much smaller mountain. Kilimanjaro is about 10,000 feet higher than Olympus.

McDaniel's civil lawsuit…alleges Planet Fitness illegally based the decision to deny her access upon her religion, or alternatively upon her race.

Jared Leto is a man. Therefore, if he, a man, were to attend the Oscars in costume as his character, a woman, he would be "dragging up." He is not saying that to attend in woman's clothing would mean that he was attending as his character if his character was also in drag.

The NHL plays 55 games a week. The MLB plays 106 games a week. And the NBA plays 54. All of them play seven days a week, and all of them still garner fewer viewers than the NFL with between 13 and 16 games per week.

Correction: OTHER PEOPLE'S cell phones are ruining THEIR sex lives. This is a 100% human problem. If you're worried about your phone ruining your sex life, stop checking it during sex. Done.

Am I the only person that can't actually tell which parts of her body are where? I think I've identified her legs, but that's it.

Of course he wouldn't. I'm not defending his behavior. I'm just pointing out that we have no idea what his behavior actually was. Maybe he was as skeevy as you think, but there's no way of knowing that from these comments.

According to the Falcons' ticket map, those are all sold out, but the ones right next to them (bottom section, outside the 40s) are less than $2K apiece. Pony up, Roddy.

But again, that's an assumption based on your own personal experience. Maybe ladies were super attracted to a young Geraldo Rivera and couldn't wait to get into some inter-office hanky-panky. I don't know, and neither do you. What I do know is that you're willing to completely dismiss him when he says that's just

I don't feel aggrieved. I'm just pointing out that everyone's assuming harassment occurred here, and there's no reason to do so. And if by "defensive" you mean "pointing out the actual content of the interview," then yes. A fitting description.

It's a VW Scirocco. Not important, I just like recognizing cars in situations where it doesn't matter what car it is.

Deepak Chopra has as much to do with spiritual enlightenment as Dr. Phil has to do with psychiatry.