
Spoke of what, exactly? The way he used to slap other women's asses in the office? Or how you can't even say "nice tits" anymore without getting in trouble? Because I didn't hear any of that. I heard him saying that it was an environment conducive to sleeping around. If you found an example in that interview of

Consensual sex with a coworker is not harassment. Consensual sex with more than one coworker is not harassment. Nowhere here does he mention behavior (other than the "looking at an intern" thing, which is obviously hyperbolic) that would today be considered harassment. If he'd said "Jeez, you can't even slap a

Sounds to me like he's talking about how he was allowed to sleep with women in the office and management didn't care. Doesn't mention a single thing about harassment.

Pretty much every contest show has a little piece of fine print at the end that says that producers can change the results if they want to. Especially in shows where the contestants interact and the show rides on that drama, like Top Chef and Project Runway. They're not going to kick out the guy who picks fights and

Eight WHOLE people? This is game-changing sociological research, to be sure.

Slightly mischaracterized the history of the MRI. It's based on the idea of nuclear magnetic resonance, which says that atomic nuclei in a magnetic field give off and absorb specific frequencies of radio waves, which was then used to identify the materials that make up stars. The MRI then did the same thing in three

So by "hack" you mean something entirely other than that.

The technology used in the MRI, probably the most useful piece of technology in all of modern medicine, was originally used 80 years prior to measure the magnetic fields of stars. Just because we don't know how to use it right now doesn't mean it's not worth pursuing, and the only way to find out if it's worth

I clicked through with the express purpose of writing Krogan. Though they seem a little brutish. I think the intelligence and strategic minds of the Turians might prevail, head-to-head.

You know, "theme" can just mean that they'll fashion the aesthetics of the dance after those of the movie, and not any more than that. Like how toga parties have togas and sandals, but not pedophilia or chronic lack of hygiene or malaria.

Lightens your load by adding a huge fucking battery to your otherwise battery-less water bottle? Sure.

Shout out to Cerberus (not quite government)

Minor point: they refer to it as "facial verification," not "facial recognition." It can only tell you whether two photos are the same person, not who that person is.

That is clearly a woman.

More pertinently, this is equal to 1/60th a degree of latitude or longitude

This doesn't demonstrate that the value of a woman's life is placed below the importance of playing a sport, it demonstrates that the value of a PERSON'S life is placed below the importance of playing a sport.


I'd love to work for you, on these conditions:

Fun fact: the editorial mark "sic" is short for the Latin phrase "sic erat scriptum," or "so it was written." It signifies that the quoted text was reproduced exactly, without editorial changes.
