
This was exactly my reaction to "hard to fact-check." Just do some basic math about the chemical energy in gas and the electrical energy needed to charge an iPhone. Easy. Thanks for doing the dirty work.

Today in Wild And Unfounded Assumptions…

TL;DR - Because there is nothing wrong with gluten.

You know damn well that if a male guest said stuff like this to Ellen or Maddow or Oprah or Whoopi, you'd be jumping down his throat for being a disrespectful misogynist asshole. This isn't different just because you don't like Piers Morgan. Person A went on Person B's show and was a disrespectful, juvenile, bitch.

Just another piece of evidence that biology is fat-phobic.

Why the crap does Jaime Lannister have modern clothing and short hair? Is there a followup to the hand-chopping where they buzz his head to shame him?

I'm curious how it's possible to distinguish the difference between an "out of body experience" and simply the ability to picture yourself walking around. What distinguishes this from simply daydreaming?

So you have to use a black model. Fine. But what if you use a black model from a line of blacks who have been in Europe for a dozen generations? She's no more African than these people, in any sense other than genetic. And what if she IS from Africa, but not from the correct tribe?

The issue is not that there's too much heat in the world, it's that it can't escape. Thermodynamics says that the hotter the object (Earth), the faster it'll radiate heat away. It's a negative feedback loop. But if we insulate the Earth with CO2, the heat isn't allowed to escape, and therein lies the problem.

And not a single "WHY DID YOU TURN" comment. You're all growing up.

I don't think this is a comment on the "idea that whites always desire to be the savior of blacks who apparently always lack their own ambition and personal agency." I think it's a very specific reference to the fact that Brad and Angelina seem to have a very specific fixation on adopting colored children.

Anthony's joke is clearly a fat joke, not a race joke. Get your outrage straight.

Bambi came out seventy-two years ago. Land Before Time is 25. The Fox and The Hound is 33. Maybe "have become" isn't the right phrase, so much as "have always been."

Really. He built a fusion reactor the size of a trash can. I suppose he isolated/manufactured deuterium himself too, with good old-fashioned American spit and grit and elbow grease. My skepticism is effectively infinite.

What you unsurprisingly fail to mention is that this is not a modern problem. For years, there has been a rule that requires all plastic and metal to be weighed before and after, with any discrepancies fined thousands of dollars. And an expedition called Eco Everest has been going up every year to bring trash down.

It's actually marked by lots of eating in many parts of the world, since it immediately precedes the fasting season of Lent.

On December 20, 2010, Brett Favre took his last snap in the NFL against the Chicago Bears. The Bears rushed four, and Favre was promptly sacked. After slowly rising to his feet, Favre ran into the wilds of Minnesota.

Every single car I've ever customized in GTA V has been matte lime green. Now I am vindicated; this color looks absolutely fantastic.

Not IMAX video with theater-surround lossless audio, so it might as well be cell phone footage. In portrait.