
If I was asked whether "the universe began with a huge explosion," I'd say no. That's as bad a mischaracterization of the Big Bang as summarizing evolution with "humans used to be monkeys."

I believe that's a wrestling dummy, so the fact that it's black is ostensibly coincidence. They didn't pick it for its color, they picked it for its ability to wear a shirt.

Again with this "outed" bullshit.

Yes. This. I watched Southland Tales on my own, start to finish, with no distractions or dicking around on my phone or leaving to go to the bathroom or conversations with my roommate, and I couldn't tell you a goddamn thing about it. It's the movie equivalent of people who smirk condescendingly when you admit to

She's a swimsuit model. Looks and the ability to at least appear to have fun are literally the only things that matter.

How exactly do you know that?

I've only ever heard that the right way.

I haven't either. This is an odd choice.

He definitely says "fly" in the movies.

It's great that she's a) allowed to play and b) excited to play and c) not afraid to get hit, but she's also terrible. Marshawn Lynch, Steven Jackson, Frank Gore, etc. would have scored on that last one, even against NFL defenses.

"Not only they affected the entire live of the park"

Prediction for next week's top ten list (in no particular order):

Maybe he's just uncalibrating and recalibrating in order to have something to do while I wander around the Citadel for hours on end trying to find out if there are real fish in the ponds.

Agreed. Best thing anyone's ever done with a spaceship, proton torpedos and asteroid fields be damned. Why? Because it was so realistic.

I don't see how a law against identifying victims prevents reporting that a crime happened. "A man raped a woman at the corner of X and X" would not be a violation of the law as you've described it.

This is of course assuming that they shoot that far in advance.

Hypothetical nerd question: is Flash subject to the same physical laws as the rest of us? I'm willing to believe that he can accelerate, stop, and move at the speeds that he does, and that his body can handle the forces within it that are associated with that motion. But if he's in the same steel skates on the same

Well in the grand, physical scheme of things, there's no such thing as total darkness. I'm defining total darkness as the absence of visible light, so flooding it with IR doesn't count. The IR emitted from all objects with a temperature above absolute zero also doesn't count.

It's an important distinction here. Some night vision works in total darkness by using IR floodlights to illuminate the area, and then detecting in IR. Some works by detecting in the visible spectrum and amplifying it. They're two very different technologies, separated by their ability to see in total darkness or al

You still get interest on it though, right? Maybe I don't understand how EE bonds work.