
It's ok, I switched conferences last year after the DAMN RAVENS beat my Broncos. And then your Pats. Sorry about that :(


Along the same lines, all this "evidence" is FROM NASA. If they wanted to hide it from the public, they'd just not publish every goddamn photo this rover takes, as they have every right to do.

Shredder has a mask on. It's a scary alien-ish mask, but still a mask. This offers precisely zero clues about what his face looks like.

That is a toy. It's ten inches tall and made of plastic. It's concept art for what will be built, later, with real materials and CG. But it's far cheaper to hire a few professional figurine builders to mock those together so the animators have something to work from than to build life-size costumes out of real

You can totally judge a movie before you see it, in the sense that you think to yourself "that doesn't seem worth dropping $50 on, I'll wait to see it some Saturday afternoon on Netflix in a year." But what people seem to be doing is looking at concept art, Bay's past work, posters, trailers, etc., and saying "Bay

In his defense, Mario doesn't seem to know what it is either. The phrase "A red dot zoom like a sniper rifle" is worse than useless, as sniper rifles don't use red dot sights.

Heath Ledger's Joker is the best villain of the past decade, and one of the best ever. That said, I do think that Loki's villainy is in keeping with the character. He's not there to create chaos, he's there to manipulate, and, as of the end of Thor 2, he's been doing a hell of a lot of manipulating.

Historically, he said, people typically took baths with only water, and that worked just fine.

The only issue (and I don't know enough about diving to nail this down) is pressure. I'm not sure that your lungs are strong enough to pull surface-pressure air down against the pressure of the water on your chest. I know that it's crucial for regulators to adapt that pressure for the sake of the dissolved gases in

I'd like to thank her for providing perspective on just how huge football players are.

So people who eat like shit and don't exercise and are fat, and then lose weight by eating better and exercising, are what…magic?

I was kind of expecting a flood of coffee snobs talking about how "if you make it right the first time, it won't be bitter, and by make it right I mean use only conflict-free, grass-fed, cage-free beans that were roasted only when they said they were ready and prepared in this french press made of antique seasoned

Derrick Johnson apparently has not been informed that he's allowed to use his arms to tackle. He was dishing out quite a few of these.

The tube to the surface could easily be intake only, and then exhalation could go out in the form of bubbles directly from the mask.

For contrast, do a YouTube search for the 2012 Pro Bowl. This year's was the fucking Super Bowl compared to that.

That was actually a pretty good game. I know it doesn't mean anything, but at least people were playing.

Selena Gomez' main hit song contains the repeated chorus "If you're ready, come and get it." She was literally asking for it.

I have three rules for anything put out by someone who calls themselves a "designer."

Looks like a climber's hands.