
Well…that's definitely someone body-slamming a security guard.

Ditto. He's super pumped up in the end zone and then appears to think "oh, I should go be sporting to Crabtree, who's obviously pissed." I also totally understand why Crab shoved him in the face though. Not the time.

She's 41. More than old enough to be a mom.

Are you new here? Reading too much into things is what we do. See the top comment about how this is actually a cruel and subversive attempt to make women feel bad about their sexuality and not A FUCKING DILDO.

I know some 'thugs,' and they know I'm the furthest thing from a thug

Not if your first sexual experience was during Predator.

The farthest individual stars we can see with the naked eye are about 3,000 LY away. Most of them are less than 1000. It's possible that we're seeing them in the last 0.00002% of their lifetimes, but not likely.

Spectral analysis. White dwarves are stars that burned out before going supernova, which means they didn't have the time or mass to make heavy elements. The material they expel is almost all light elements, rarely anything heavier than carbon, so you can use spectroscopy to see what's in the explosion and figure it

There's always someone…

My statute of limitations is six months for movies (zero if there's a book that's been out for more than a year), one month for TV. I've never seen Lost or The Wire or Breaking Bad, and I might one day decide to watch them, just as I did with Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Arrested Development, etc, but I can't

So what you're saying boils down to "people who have hardwired impulses that I disapprove of need to literally alter the physical structure of their brains, or we should kill them."

That last sentence made this whole article worthwhile. Thank you.

Pedophile doesn't mean you molest children, it means you're attracted to them. Wanting to do a terrible thing and doing a terrible thing are entirely different things.

We should clarify that pedophile means you're attracted to children. It does not mean you molest children. There are doubtless plenty of pedophiles who recognize that their urges are morally abhorrent and never act on them, just as there may be people who are sexually attracted to animals or aroused by causing

Reflection. As I understand it, that's the point directly opposite the Sun from the point of view of Cassini, so the light is reflecting straight back at it. The Sun is at Cassini's back, as it were. There's no shadow because it's obviously too small and far away from the rings to cast one.

I agree that it's harmless, but I have a hard time believing that if one of the many "for men" sites out there did a detailed "case for" F-M-K of the cast of Girls, which this site seems to hold as the highest standard of female empowerment in television for some reason, they'd be outraged at the wanton

Reggie Bush won a Super Bowl and they asked him about Kim Kardashian. Lewis Hamilton was a Formula One World Champion and they asked him about Nicole Scherzinger. Tebow got pestered about his "virgin" status all through college and his brief pro career. The timing obviously wasn't good, but asking about someone's

"Let's make muffins!"

"Become Enemies With Child" is an absolutely perfect name for a new-parent blog.

My new hobby: hypothetical gender reversal of the most juvenile and hypocritical articles posted here.