
Someone also tell Aaron Rodgers that they don't give out belts in the NFL.

Why are people (often women) so proud of not liking sports? Is it just some sort of misguided objection to MAN STUFF? Because reacting to any mention of the most popular single event in the history of human civilization with the equivalent of "eeeeeww, boys, sports, getting dirty, eeeewww" is really not helping your

It's not production, but this is a far cry from a showroom Fiesta.

"Wow," your friends will say, "those look really stupid!"

Settle down. The PO does not set the conditions of the sentence. What I don't know, and from the sound of it, neither do you, is whether the PO is allowed to legally alter the terms of the sentence. If a cop tells you that you can run a stop sign, it doesn't mean you can run a stop sign. I don't know the legal

Well if her directions are not to leave the house, then it doesn't matter if she left to shop or to run a toddler-fighting ring, she's still in violation. But yes, she's ordered to follow the directions of the parole officer, who presumably is getting instructions from the court as to what those directions are. If

House arrest. I abbreviated, didn't notice that it looks weird that way.

It's entirely possible that her parole officer, willfully or not, was mistaken when telling her what she was allowed to do. She'd still be in violation of her arrest.

The "cum inside" one does save an awkward question/explanation, though…

I think the anti-abortion types would consider that 2% a victory.

Q: Why is Kate Upton always naked?
A: Because she looks really good naked.

I totally get it. I've been blown sideways on ice in Eastern Washington with the car off. I'm not saying you were being reckless, I'm just pointing out that it was technically your fault. In both circumstances, yours and mine, the only good alternative would probably have been to stay off the road.

Meanwhile, the NHL website subsists entirely on puns, the Pro Bowl has turned into actual fantasy football, and the NBA has long had a term for dunking on someone so embarrassingly hard that a photo of the event would be worthy of a small boy's aspirational poster.

Seems like if you're an experienced driver like the guy who wrote in yesterday, you might actually prefer to drive in weather that's keeping everyone else off the road.

Considering the average work day involves being awake for 16 hours at a stretch, 8 seems perfectly reasonable. I've done a lot of long road trips and never taken a break that long, that often. You break for gas, for as long as it takes to get gas (maybe 5 min every 6 hrs) and that's it. 12+ hours a day at least.

Because PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY demands that they wear clothes, and it also demands that those clothes be sexy. IT IS ALWAYS THE FAULT OF MEN.

According to the light sensor on my laptop, the light levels in my room from alarm clocks/phone chargers/various other small LEDs alone is about 4 lux, which seems close enough to a moonlit night, and honestly feels darker. I've read a book by moonlight before, but my room is nowhere near that bright.

Solar is all well and good, since that energy is otherwise just heating your roof up, but using wind in this manner to sustain a charge is ludicrously impossible.

Then you need to take some physics classes. The turbine works by drawing kinetic energy from the air moving over the car and converting it to electricity. The only reason there's air moving over the car is that the car is moving forward, so really the kinetic energy of the air is proportional to the kinetic energy