
It does look like it'll flex like crazy, unless those flat bars are solid in which case it'll be freakishly heavy. I commute on a road bike, though. It's not inherently uncomfortable.

I am never outraged about wet naked women.

Looks a lot like the Toyobaru to me. Which is not a bad thing.

Surely there's something about this picture we can be outraged about. I know! THERE ARE NO RACIAL MINORITIES I'M BOYCOTTING VANITY FAIR FOREVER #oppression.

It looks like you'd have about eight inches of range on adjusting the seat. It obviously can be both higher and lower than it is now. The leveling might be an issue, but again, it looks like a road bike. If you don't want to ride in that position, you wouldn't get a road bike, and you wouldn't get this.

Really, women think sports are boring? 44 percent of NFL fans are now women, TV watching is on the rise, fantasy football participation doubled in 2011 over 2010, football merchandise geared toward women is on the rise (thanks in part, most likely, to this sweet ad), and female stadium attendance is up in every major

E-cigs put out water vapor with almost no odor. You'd get more intrusive fumes from a cup of coffee.

Looks about the same, geometrically, as your average road bike. My concern would be structural integrity (and those stupid tiny handlebars) but other than that it seems fine.

That's true, I might be. It's almost like you have to judge me by the quality of my arguments and not by my name or profession, like an adult.

Technically, driving with no brakes at all is too fast for the conditions, but no. You didn't know your brakes had failed (I assume), and you didn't cause them to fail. I don't see why it's controversial to say that sliding off the road under one's own power is the driver's fault.

I've been pulled over 16 times in 9 years, including once for not wearing a seatbelt (which I was, making it an entirely groundless stop), gotten 6 speeding tickets, and had the police come to parties I was at in college roughly a dozen times, including three at my own house, and not once were the police anything

"I haven't seen it verified anywhere, but it also seems kind of totally plausible, so I'm going to go with TRUE."

I think the fact that he/she crashed suggests that. If you're going fast enough to lose control in a manner unforced by any other driver, then you're going too fast for the conditions.

You're ruining the ability of the commentariat to be offended on her behalf.

Exactly. THAT IS THE POINT OF CASUAL SEX. I don't give a flying fuck what your personality is like if the entire purpose of our meeting face-to-face is just sex.

I'm so glad you sad "as a group" there. For a moment I thought you were lumping 50% of the human population into one category and saying that they're shallow pigs who'll fuck anything that moves.

Yes, but I can provide a dozen anecdotes about good experiences with helpful, polite, respectful police officers too. That doesn't mean that all cops are helpful, polite, or respectful. Drawing conclusions off of anyone's personal experiences is irrational and meaningless, as are vague terms like "so many people."

I know that. It's sarcasm. I used QED, an initialism intended to indicate that proof of one's point has been adequately provided, to emphasize the fact that such is not the case.

It's not illegal, but the point is that you were at fault. In the event of an accident, it's important to establish fault. If you have insurance that doesn't cover you when you're at fault, they would cover in the event of being hit by someone else into the ditch, or blown off the road by extreme wind. If you went

I think you mean it took over the whole city. Not the whole country. Dubai is not a country.