
"Morro" means "fun", as in "let's have some fun" in Norwegian.

Fat Belgian style waffles have nothing on Norwegian waffle hearts. Here is the recipe for what has been proven again and again to be the absolute best Norwegian waffles available - crispy, tasty and something you can never get enough of. Best served with sour cream and jam:

Why don't men like SJP? Because she's too skinny. To be blunt, she looks uncomfortable. The only people who think skin-and-bone girls are hot are other girls. There are few things more unarousing than bumping pelvic bones with a woman who considers a salad and a glass of water dinner.

They actually sell these chairs at many Chinese health stores claiming they are good for your back and will help you lose weight. It's usually displayed next to that butt-belt-shaking machine. I can't believe people fall for this kind of rubbish. Except for grinding down your vertebrae I can't see any use for this

I am a man and I do read this site, especially the comments. Although it feels a bit stalkerish I feel it gives me a peek into the hidden world of the female mind.