
@DonLuc: Fuck that. I would rather eat my foot.


@TTownTerrorist: I have to agree with you. Police are the scum...

If that's Kat in the first picture... WHAT A CUTIE! Damn!

@aec007: I would like to find out where these lobbyist are... and burn them with fire!

@Top_failure: I work in an IT department and we get major harassment if it takes us 30 min to respond, but we are in house so... yeah... enjoy those contractors.

@jmd1513: <3 since I don't have the ability to heart or I would be hammering on that thing like a hooker on meth.

@gqcarrick: I'll say it again: I SECOND THAT!

Dear RIAA, where is your main HQ located. I would like to send you a "package". It's a clock... I swear

@petarro: 3. 0_0 they have those?

@Ridley: Or the boob thing either...

@Darkit: oh oh and get some of that stuff we used to eat all the time back in the day!... what was it?.?.? Oh yeah, Pussy.

@aupton:If you are ever on jury duty and a cannabis cultivator is on trial you ,as a jurer, can find him not guilty and the judge CANNOT do shit about it.

@Buzz Mega: Because the Zombies are going through police training. Brainless fucks.

@MacAttack: because cops are worthless dicks who's lives suck and we all know misery loves company.