
People seem to keep forgetting that being “worth” X amount of dollars isn’t the same as having X amount of dollars in the bank. Elon’s doesn’t have billions of dollars in his bank account. He owns lots of stuff that’s worth money, same as a lot of people. A lot of us “own” stuff like homes and cars (maybe with

So the turning off the A/C to make it easier to start isn’t so far fetched and has its roots in truth.  Modern cars I will agree likely have no need for this, but on older and especially carbureted cars this was a thing.  The A/C compressor in my 71 Vette puts a very noticeable drag on the engine when turning it on

While I don’t entirely disagree that ~$100 for less than 3 oz of fluid is quite expensive, at the same time that can go a really really long way.  I have a bottle of Armani Code my parents got me as a gift many years ago and I used to save it for special occasions as I’m not really a cologne person, but I decided to

Also, just because at that one particular moment a mom was only carrying a single child in an oversize vehicle for the occasion is not really a valid reason to vilify her.  It’s not like people buy a vehicle for every possible occasion.  I have an SUV because my wife and I regularly make trips to Costco in the next

Mine would be the ME412 concept car.  I was super hyped because the last time I was up at Detroit I finally had time to go to the Walter P Chrysler museum right before it shut down, but was massively disappointed that they didn’t have either of them on display.  That is probably one of the cars I would most like to

Pruett has forged a name for herself as a competitive drag racer across multiple disciplines, but she hasn’t been able to settle into a solid team...

My brother in law had a similar problem with an old 4Runner he has.  We spent a weekend getting it running again and put a new battery in and the next day he had an angry neighbor knocking on his door because the horn was stuck on.  Never have really diagnosed the issue on that one, but wondering if it’s a similar

So what they need to do to make relevant engines again would be to lower the rpm limit way down to something you might actually see in a consumer car. That would admittedly take quite a bit of the spectacle and fun out of the sport, but I think that’s one of the few ways you’d actually see some tech transfer again.

As I’m sure you know, catalytic converter thefts have particularly affected hybrid car owners.

I don’t know about that.  I saw some of what you’re talking about, but that also made me rethink my characters and playstyle.  My main issue was I never bothered to farm any good artifacts for characters.  Once I had an actual decent set on a few characters I went back to beating on stuff pretty easily.  The big key

Yeah, I don’t get the anniversary backlash.  I’ve only been playing since early June, so I’ve missed a lot of the events, but in the months I’ve been playing this has been a pretty dang amazing game for the low low price of free.  This is better than a lot of triple A titles I’ve played and paid $60 for.  Admittedly I

If you want some fun, look up turbo slant sixes and some of the crazy things they can do with them. I think someone actually ran tens with one. It sounds like a very angry bee as I recall.

I never found the controller to be uncomfortable at all.  The joystick sucked and wore out too easily, which was the only real fault I had with it.  The bigger problem was the games that made you rotate it.  That wasn’t the controllers fault.

I’m surprised there isn’t a Fate based game like this.  I know there have been some fighters for the Fate series, but the only one I can think of that is a tradition style fighter like this is more pixel art style.  You’d think with the massive roster of heroes they’ve come up with in Fate now that it would be a

Dodge must have the stuff to make first-gen Vipers sitting and rusting in some warehouse somewhere, right?

What do you define as “no-stress”? To me that means low maintenance more than anything, and hydrangeas aren’t that. They need bucket loads of water to keep going, and dragging a hose around my yard to water stuff is what does not happen on a regular basis. I need to just put in a soaker system or something, but the

I’m just salty they aren’t building any of these in the US where I could potentially see them someday.

This all adds up to a massive curb weight of 4,182 pounds, in true muscle car form.

“A lean burning engine runs hot.”

This one annoys me to no end.  It’s not entirely false, but it largely depends on why and how your engine is tuned.  If fuel is the thing that contains energy and gets converted to work, putting less fuel in is going to result is less heat generated.  However, if you don’t adjust your

Ah, if only I could ever do that, lol. 11 quarts of full synthetic every change for my Viper, and the Mopar filter. I feel like an oil baron whenever I walk out of the store carrying my shopping cart full of oil.