
This feels short sighted to me.  Everyone thinks EV is the only solution, but I don’t think that’s really true.  Porsche has been working with their synthetic fuel and if we can find a carbon neutral fuel that is compatible with existing engines, that makes every car on the road potentially just as good as an EV as

I think the replacement part is the problem though. Those batteries are often custom made for that specific chassis and the technology is changing so rapidly that you might not even be able to buy the same battery 5 years from now. It feels like the OEMs will be the only ones offering any kind of replacement part (no

So the battery degradation thing has me wondering, what is going to happen to all the EVs 10 or 20 or however many years down the road when the batteries just won’t hold useful charge anymore? Will it get as bad as a phone where something that used to go 200 miles can barely make it 50? On an ICE vehicle, if your

Mine isn’t exactly minor, but the frame on my 71 Vette is basically in need of replacement at this point.  I finally tackled one job I’ve been putting off for the better part of 1-2 decades and that was the rear trailing arm shims.  The  original ones were basically rusted into place and frequently require being cut

Ah, I guess I didn’t quite read that the same way on the first read through.  That was easy enough, lol.

Are plates transferrable in New York?  I know they aren’t in Kansas, but I think it’s different every you go.

Oh right, I guess they actually moved to that on the gen 4 cars. No runflats, but the compressor and fix-a-flat can.  I had forgotten about that.

Cheese is at least slightly regulated. That’s why if you look close “American cheese” is actually “pasteurized cheese product”.  It’s not legally cheese.  Just a novelty though.

So what happens if regs go into effect but the infrastructure isn’t really there yet?  That’s a pretty short timeline (4 years) to effectively phase out ICE.  If electric is the only new option, but people don’t buy it because they can’t use it where they are, what happens?  The market just stalls for years and cars

Spares and jacks aren’t exactly mandated, but kind of.  You either have to have a spare tire or runflats per regulation I believe.  My Viper was originally equipped with runflats because there was no place to put a spare.  Everyone takes them off because they are kind of garbage when it comes to performance, but they

It’s been an interesting mix with me. When the pandemic first started and I got to work from home I did finally catch up on a few backlog games and new releases I was really interested in. I had started Trails of Cold Steel II many many months prior and just let it sit after I got married as I just didn’t really feel

No one ever looks at my odometer when I register my vehicle.  Any more I can do it all online and just get my new stickers in the mail.  The odometer on my old 67 Dart hasn’t worked since my modern transmission swap either.  New transmission is an electronic speed sensor and the old speedo is a cable drive.  I’ve been

My wife has been dealing with this for years (or decades depending on how things go). She got launched off a bike at 9 by someone flying through a neighborhood that shattered her leg pretty good, but that’s oddly not the accident that has been bothering her the most. Right around the time we first starting hanging

Looks like his EAS (environmentally assisted steering) system was active and functioning.  Some cars also have the OAS (opponent assisted steering) system equipped.

Guessing this is the wrong car, but this just reminds me of some car I remember a video of driving around at an airport or something like that.  Maybe it was the Devil 16 or whatever from Dubai.  Anyone else remember the video I’m talking about?  I thought it might have looked similar to this car, but probably just

The “car” as a car I think exists regardless of what has been replaced, but I would agree that the rate at which parts are replaced does have a pretty big impact on that. I have basically replaced everything but the body on my 67 Dart since I have owned it, but that was because I wanted to upgrade, modify, replace, or

because the physics behind it are so unreasonable

How is this different than someone getting a spray tan as makeup for instance?  They didn’t change anyone’s race, they just changed the tone.

Wait, is is blackface if it’s already a black person getting their skin darkened?  I think that’s probably the main question a lot of people have.  I guess I think of this more like getting a spray tan.  How is it different?

The Ford battery thing is a pretty easy question to answer. I’ve been working on designing an EV in my field and it’s been 2+ years of talking with our supplier and working out a battery design that actually works and fits. I’m also in a field where a new “model” takes a few years at most to design.