
Fair enough, that was kinda the point I was getting at. I could be super specific and say “a gun with no physical safety at all” is “safer” in the right hands than a gun with a physical safety but idiot operator. Doesn’t mean the safety is being used, just that it’s equipped on the gun, but that’s not really apples to

Had a buyer in the Netherlands purchase a 69 Charger from my family years ago with no hassle.  He arranged someone to come look at the car and do the paperwork handover stuff, but I think that was about it.  After that he arranged all the shipping and everything to get it to port and over the ocean.  So yeah, private

I think that was one of the kickers for me.  I do all my own vehicle maintenance and have done engine overhauls along with most other systems in a car, so I wanted to be able to do it on a plane, but having to be certified and whatnot kinda dampened the enthusiasm some.  I also realized the reality of paying for a

That’s just straight line speed though, which is relatively easy to deal with regarding weight as weight actually kinda helps you a little with traction.  McLaren is all about track performance though, and transitioning that kind of weight around corners is way harder than just making it go fast in a straight line. 

I’d be down with a hybrid, but don’t know that I would actively seek one out.  I think a lot of hybrids are still a little too weak on the electric front to make as much sense, though I can understand why.  You don’t want to buy two entire fully capable drivetrains in the same car for cost reasons.  I think I’d still

I’ll admit it’s not the best analogy, just the first that came to mind. In my defense though, just because people are “trained professionals” doesn’t mean they are responsibly handling stuff. I can be a trained mechanic and still do really dumb crap with my car. A professional should hopefully do that far less often,

Yeah, my wife was in an accident with her family involving their old Volvo (don’t know vintage off the top of my head, but guessing 80s-90s) and a semi and evidently the first thoughts from the first responders were “we’re going to need body bags instead of an ambulance”, but they all walked away from it with minor if

Yeah, I think the parents complaining about it was more what annoyed me.  If they are that worried about it, they can buy her a new car.  I see nothing wrong with what she is driving now from that standpoint, and potentially taking on a new car payment with two little ones seems like it could be a worse decision than

Cool!  Always fun when the actual engineers from a company do projects like these.  Not that it isn’t just a neat when an individual or shop does it.

Ugh, I get so tired of the “safe for children” stuff. I get that it’s a selling point and all that, but safe driving habits will go further toward keeping you safe than driving around in a tank carelessly. Stay off your phone, keeps your eyes up and scanning your surroundings, and stay engaged while driving. That

I’d assume that someone like Saleen or Shelby would have similar issues, though I suppose they aren’t importing, which I’m sure can raise some more hurdles to jump through.  I know the Shelby Mustangs are actually titled as Shelby vehicles, not sure if Saleen is the same way or not, but that’s basically exactly what

My biggest original disappointment with the US Top gear was that all the challenges were basically just rehashes of the UK ones, just with American cars for the most part.  It was still entertaining, but it was a bit stale straight off the shelf so to speak.

Can confirm.  I have a 67 Dart and always laugh that anyone would call it “compact”.  I guess it means I can park in those end stalls that say “compact only” though.

Ah, that would explain that.

I’m around KC if you have trouble along the way and need a hand.  I know your hometown was around here, so didn’t know if you’d go through.  Always fun to talk to a former OEM engineer.

Greenhouse is more than just CO2.

Ah, that’s fair.  It’s certainly one of the last of its type in a world of raised ride heights and utility over almost everything else.

I would somewhat jokingly and seriously ask whey they needed both labels on that washer knob.  That’s extra weight!  What other washer would be on the car?

The original NSX was the same idea. They sold around 2000 a year and it was relatively affordable because it still used a lot of regular Honda parts in a special package. 1991 was a wild year of 6500 cars made, but the rest of the years were a lot lower.