
Yeah, at this point I think I could maybe get out what I have in parts, but would never make up any labor for it.  It’s my car though, so like all the others I never really plan to sell them, lol.  I was originally planning to go Plum Crazy with a white tail stripe, but I’m not a body man and the paint was in good

It’s funny, a lot of people don’t recognize it as a Dart, but when you tell them what it is it seems like a lot of people had friends and family that had a Dart or Duster when they were younger.

One thing I just thought about when you mentioned fans was potentially either shutting your computer down or putting it to sleep when you aren’t using it.  I never really thought about it till now (and I used to leave my computer on all the time), but if you leave it on that means you have fans turning all the time,

Thanks!  It’s been quite the work in the making over the years.  Currently sporting a 5.7 Hemi out of a 2006 Charger cop car, a Viper T56 from a 2000 Viper, 94 Viper seats, and a whole slew of other mixed and matched parts from stuff, lol.

First car:

With any car though you get used to where the limits are.  I’ve driven a 71 Corvette and an 04 Viper for years and I can park either within a few inches of a curb because I’m used to it.  I don’t have to be able to see the curb to know where I am in relation to it.

I think the worst case though is people like service techs.  We only have one or two trainers for our products and they are rarely in the office because they have to fly out to locations for on-site training or repairs.  Meetings are one thing, but actual physical work and troubleshooting is another.  This might not

It makes some sense, but it also feels like it just keeps perpetuating the issue. From the very base of it I would look at these girls and say “they are emulating someone popular”. It feels like a major issue to say “you can’t emulate that person because you aren’t like them at some base level”. It just perpetuates

Why not though? I guess I struggle to see how people are supposed to be inclusive until it comes to something that they want to keep unique. How is it any different than a man acting like a woman or a woman acting like a man? Or someone from Texas talking like someone from Boston?

Fair enough, it’s certainly a less harmful trend than something like smoking or drinking.  I think it’s more just making sure it’s not constant trend chasing and the mentality that they always needs to fit in.  Picking individual trends because you like them is different than picking trends because everyone else is

Fair enough, I would agree that this one is at least reasonably harmless and the “fashion” is pretty low key.  It’s not like running around in a bikini all day or something like that.  I think it’s more just making sure the mentality doesn’t follow along too much so that they aren’t constantly chasing every trend and

Non-essential is a relative term.  Non-essential to the user sure, but when you are building some of the first mass market EVs on the road in the US you want all the data you can.  At this point they could probably stand to pull back on that some, but I wouldn’t call it excessive for what it was.  If anything I’d say

it’s all pretty positive. VSCO girls give off an empowering air of, “IDGAF what you think of me.”

Seems like one easy way to better “anonymize” location data to some degree would be to just remove a timestamp. A point cloud of your daily travels will still tell you quite a bit, but if you don’t see it in sequence then it’s at least a little less “creepy”.

The idea of anti-drunk driving tech is good in theory, but I’m not sure I would ever trust it to be implemented effectively enough. What if I just handled chemicals that absorbed into my skin some and make me appear drunk? Not being able to even start my car if a sensor fails or I have a false reading is a pretty big

I think it depends on the car.  My 67 Dart was an ocean of silver sheet metal and was just kinda bland looking.  I put a black bumblebee stripe on it and it really helped to break up all the silver.

with the usual benefit of being able to set a much higher rev limit

Oh goody, even more people are going to look like idiots walking around with wireless earbuds. I get that they are convenient, but leaving them in what seems like 24/7 just kinda seems rude or something.

I’m guessing they will suffer a similar comparison, but I’m also not sure it would have as much impact. From the standpoint of useability, <100 miles is a pretty tough sell for any vehicle, gas or electric. My motorcycle hits the reserve tank usually right around 90-100 miles in and that’s annoying enough to deal with

Yeah, battery tech is going to be the big question. On the one hand it just keeps getting better, but on the other I wonder if we aren’t going to have a similar “gas crisis”, just with batteries as minerals and whatnot become harder to come by. Granted if we find alternate materials that work just as well we could