
“We have made it clear that there is no job security for us when GM products are made in other countries for the purpose of selling them here in the U.S.A. We believe that the vehicles GM sells here should be built here. We don’t understand GM’s opposition to this proposition.”

Because, after all, it takes a lot of loyalty to daily a car whose gas mileage you’ll always pay for, but whose horsepower you’ll rarely get to use.

Yeah, that actually feels like a reasonable parallel (the cars vs trucks).  A lot of people want a truck for the look vs the actual utility.  I could see that with a motorcycle too.

One of my friends had a brother who I believe used to have something like a 90 minute commute for a while. Never quite understood how that worked, but then again he was at least actually covering distance in those 90 minutes compared to people in rush hour traffic that take 90 minutes to go 10 miles.

I think that was the only one I’ve read too, but with all the names and people involved (and the fact that the record has supposedly only been broken twice in nearly 4 decades) I keep getting things mixed up as people make claims left and right.

Eh, sorta. I agree that there are a lot of older Vette owners. I used to hang with the local Corvette club when I was a teen with my 71 and most were probably over 40 if not 50. That being said, I’ve known a fair share of younger owners who are in the modding scene and like Vettes for their cheap performance. You can

Dang, I should have copyrighted it when I had the chance, lol.

I’m never sure what part of these records are true or made up.  Enough have been framed as jokes or what-ifs or April Fool’s, etc. that it makes it hard to figured out which is really which.

Hold “Control” and “Shift” and while holding, enter “DIPY”. This will reset the sign and reset the password to “DOTS” in the process.

Impressive.  I should have known there was something out there that went to this extent.

Yeah, I can see why it isn’t in games, but just seems kinda funny since we’re all about realism until we’re not.  Like people will complain about guns not being realistic, but completely ignore ammo.

The same counts for magazines, and in that case, if you reload a magazine when you still have bullets in your gun, those are gone for good

I would agree that some name brands really do matter because they truly are built better than their competitors.  Though at the same time I think there’s some question on what exactly you are expecting when you buy something too.  Tissot makes some dang good looking watches that I’m sure are very well made, but if I’m

I don’t know, I’ve been on a few and the way a full dressed touring bike can get up to speed is scary.  It’s not sport bike stupid, but it’s pretty dang fast for what it is.  I think it’s a lot about your tastes.  I’m more of a cruiser kinda bike person, so I would prefer something like a Softail over a Buell. 

I bought my Viper used for Dart money because I’ve never been one to pay the markup to buy new.  I get that everyone has their tastes and I know that Harley makes a nice bike.  My dad had a really nice Ultra Classic for a while because he was thinking about doing more weekend trips with my mom and I rode it a few

Fair to some degree, but if you don’t actually need a prescription I don’t think it matters as much. I agree that quality lenses are worth the money for something you are going to wear every day, but for something to just “make it darker” I don’t see the cost benefit.  Anything that is expensive just because of the

I’ve just never understood how anyone would pay the markup for a Harley.  It’s like name brand sunglasses to me.  Why would I pay $100 for tinted plastic with a fancy name on the side when I can get ones that work just as well for $10?  Harley makes a nice enough bike, but there’s no way I’d pay car money for a

At what point though do you allow for fun when it comes to emissions and eco-friendliness? I guess I’m trying to decide where you draw the line between boring future where everyone drives the same egg shaped electric vehicle because it’s the most efficient way to commute and one where you can still buy different

I’m the same way with Dodge. They went out with the production ACR Viper and beat a bunch of lap records to show off, then stopped racing the car. Just feels kinda backwards at times. “Look at this awesome car we made that’s really quick around a track!” “No, we aren’t going to race it in a series.”

Mine is technically a 67 by VIN, but had the 69 grille when I bought it.  I’ve got a modern 5.7 Hemi in it with a T56 out of a Viper for modern cruising =P.