
I think some of it is just because they are different. My wife has a 2009 Malibu that is soul sucking for me to drive since I come from a sports car background (my cars are a 71 Vette, a 67 Dart with a 5.7 Hemi, and an 04 Viper). 20 years from now when cars have neural interfaces to change the radio station it will be

May I introduce you to Regular Car Reviews.  You two seem to share a similar taste for the mundane.  Enjoy revelling in your obsessions over a Natural Light while sitting in lawn chairs.

and just do it before bed and after I wake up

Fair enough.  I had thought about that after I posted it, but wasn’t sure.  Still wonder how someone would mess that up though if they are trained engineers.  That number is practically burned into my cortex at this point.

I feel the same way about Dodges.  People rip them left and right about being pieces of junk while my family has had many of them through the years with fairly little to anything going wrong.  Granted we’re also a family that wrenches on our own cars and knows how to take care of them.

I’m not sure I get the whole inches / metric screw up.  Those numbers are very different, assuming they are talking inches and millimeters.  I would think it would be fairly obvious to anyone setting up a car that calls for 1 mm of some adjustment when you’re at 1 inch.  You’d have to be talking fractions at best as

Fair enough.  I think ride hailing services and big cities most likely go hand in hand though, so it would seem like this would be a pretty major factor, though admittedly those costs will vary quite a bit city to city.

I’m sort of torn and not really.  I have very little desire to go back through the level grind all over again, though I really would like to pick back up where I left off in a sense.  I had a warrior raiding in a guild that had BWL on farm and most of AQ and were just starting to tiptoe into Naxx.  I would be really

I’ll point to the other article that was just posted where the “most dangerous car on American roads” is still 99.99% safe.

I guess I’d be out of luck if I was online dating. I have a Chevy, 2 Dodges, and a Honda. Granted the Honda is a motorcycle, the Chevy is Vette, and the Dodges are a 67 Dart and a Viper, so I guess there’s some redemption if they at least stayed around long enough to hear the model and not just the make.

Geez, that’s crazy.

Depends on where you live mostly.  If you live in a house I’d wager to say they don’t include any costs for “storage”.  If you live in an apartment or condo or something you could very well have to pay to get a parking spot or garage access or the like.

Yeah, KC is weird in how it has pockets of stuff and a lot of nothing between.  Like Power and Light is one pocket, the Plaza is another, River Market or whatever another still, etc.  And any commuting within a city is tough.  EV is about the only thing that makes sense at that point sometimes.  MPG only gets you so

Yeah, my friend loves the downtown life of a big city, but I’m a full fledge suburbanite. I like my space and yard. I get the appeal of city life and do like visiting him in SF as it’s a novel experience and nice to have so much to do right around you, but there’s just no way I could put up with that on a regular

I’m just screwed when it comes to resale, but I don’t plan to ever sell my cars, so it works out. I do all my own work and maintenance whenever possible, but I don’t bother keeping extensive records to pass on. I could probably look through my Microsoft Money account for records of buying stuff, but beyond that the

Fair enough, though I think it’s probably true of most large cities to some degree.  I think a lot of high rise apartments have costs associated with parking a vehicle.  Probably less cost, but still cost.  My same friend used to live in downtown KC and I think there was still some fee to park in the apartment garage,

Totally agree.  I live in wide open Kansas where I can park multiple vehicles at my own house and still have a mortgage payment that’s 1/4 of what someone in a highrise with 1000 less square feet and no yard would have.  That being said the “public” transportation options around here are also quite a bit thinner.  Go

I know I get rated speeds when using my ISP’s speed test vs some other ones, but I chalk that up to the “middleman” so to speak. It’s crummy in that the ISP can say I’m getting rated speeds because I’m getting full speed between me and them (so hard to argue I’m not getting what I pay for), but not full speeds when

Woah, another blast from the past.  First FMP gets some continuation and now Slayers?  That was way back in my anime watching days.  Probably one of the first 5 series or so I watched when I first got into the genre.

So cost per mile might be cheaper for personal ownership, but especially in the case of SF, I’m guessing they didn’t take into account the cost of storing said car.  My friend who lives in an apartment there spends a few hundred a month to even park his car in the apartment garage.  Home costs are through the roof,