
The only concern I’d have with the “superpower” would be if someone abuses it for whatever reason. Granted, I don’t know the full extent of how it affects the gameplay (is it truly a kick or more like a “mute”), but if it’s truly a kick feature then what’s to stop someone from running up to you and booting you from a

2. Floormat traction control

You know, I saw one of these in the Chrysler museum when I was there and got to thinking. I kinda want to find one and hop it up with a modern drivetrain and maybe suspension and use it is a kid-mobile one of these days if I have kids. The interiors are super plush and comfy, if slightly unattractive to the modern

I wouldn’t be quite so hasty in claiming this as a win for cars. How many homes have you see with 2 car garages and no car in that garage because it’s so stuffed with other junk? It seems more often than not that I see cars outside because there isn’t space in a garage for them.

A target monthly payment is a terrible idea for many reasons. The easy comparison is getting a $20,000 with a terrible interest rate and a $30,000 car with a good interest rate. You could get both for the same monthly payment, and you bet the dealer will do everything possible to max out your limit if you give them

There’s a reason we forgot about these...

For the most part, a car is a car and is usually assembled in much the same manner, regardless of how much they cost new. I did a set of head gaskets on a 2000 XKR myself that wasn’t that terrible. Parts were moderately expensive, but I also fixed a few other things while I was there. Overall I think it was maybe

Yeah, fair enough. I would have taken it apart anyway just because I’m curious and like to see how it works to see if it could be fixed (might cost as much as a used pump anyway). Not knocking you at all for replacing it, just giving my experiences with some “failed” parts.

A lot of times you can potentially even fix the “broken” parts at no cost. I’d be curious to crack open that compressor and see if it could be salvaged. I had a blower motor resistor go out in my car and the first response would typically be “get a new resistor”, but in all likelihood that one would fail shortly

24 hours to charge on a regular wall socket? Is that typical for other plug-ins? I could have sworn most of the other ones I’ve seen were still only overnight at worst. That’s ridiculous if you can’t even use it on back to back days, though I guess if your commute doesn’t use up most of the battery it might still

I just think your use case isn’t a great article because the majority of people would research this prior to buying

1st gear: Buying a Mustang is a mid-life crisis.

You sure they didn’t steal it because it was an Altima? They’re sharp looking cars, but I didn’t think they’d really be worth that much.

While I tend to agree that a large defecation is something to be more proud of than a smelly one, there is still one particular bathroom event that still lingers in my mind to this day probably about a decade later. I was over at a friend’s house with another friend and my brother and we were playing some video games

I forgot that I also now have a legacy at my high school. I’m the reason there is now a motorcycle parking spot in the lot. I regularly rode to school once I got a restricted license. I made the argument to the school that I couldn’t put a parking permit on my bike because someone could just take it off, so they

The hope was to revolutionize cars in the way the iPhone upended the mobile industry in 2007.

Truth. His hopeless antics are the reminder for people everywhere to keep trying.

Good points. I guess I forget that not everyone drives like an enthusiast, but I also know plenty of non-enthusiasts that still drive like madmen, lol. Driving style has a huge effect on fuel mileage. I think a turbo just makes it that much more apparent. I can get 20+ mpg out of an 8.3 liter V10 with 500+ hp by

1st gear: I’ve been saying this for a while now. Any turbo engine actually driven using the turbo is generally tuned to be a little more rich than NA for safety. If you’re just cruising then I agree that you can be more efficient, but if you’re actually using boost or wringing it out to make some power you are

Uh, probably me I guess? I had a 71 Vette in high school (still have it too!). It was painted Ontario Orange and was easy to spot in the parking lot because it looked like the empty spot due to its low roof line. About the only other notable old car was a kid with a 60's Camaro. I think one girl drove a Range