White people obsessed with white privilege. Thank you whites!
White people obsessed with white privilege. Thank you whites!
Keep up the white privilege!
Fucking white privilege. All women ( Asian, white, Latina, immigrant) women do is only date white men and put them on a pedestal. All we get is racist white privilege patriarchy! Ladies your part of this ginormous problem of putting white men on a pedestal. Keep sucking at the trough of white privilege! Patriarchy…
My favorite Effie Brown story:
How about the fact that so so many women will date any mouth breathing white man because he's white! So many immigrant women are brainwashed into white men only. White privilege runs rampant in dating. Latinas and Asians are especially brainwashed.
I’d also point out that even Sofia Vergara, who Jezebel chose to feature in the photo for this article, is white. She is Colombian but she has dramatically altered her appearance in a way that appeals to people in the US who are looking for a “saucy latina.”
Only difference is they’re the “ass” variety instead of the “black” variety.
...a pair of black holes spiral furiously about one another...