
Yes shady maple is great, and thier breakfast is amazing as well. One of the things i miss most since moving out of the area. There and wawas. 

I dont understand how bethesda can have the nerve to even think about putting a $100 - $156 a year subscription to any game, let alone a game that failed so miserably that they literally couldnt give it away.

Seriously who gives a shit what someone else drives. I have never once felt “unsafe” or “inconvenienced” or any other nonsense that people on here are crying about. And i drive a jetta in the south 🙄

I would almost bet that this deal was made to convince sony to allow crossplay. Sony thinking that even though theres no incentive to buy it on ps4, that this will get people to buy it on their console.

No reason too. When the ps5 launches your be able to play the "enhanced verison" anyway. Sony has already confirmed as much. 

So walmart is stopping the sale of vape products, because a few people died from vaping knock off bootleg thc cartridges sold on the street illegally, but continues to sell cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco that kills 10s of thousands of people a year. 🤔🤔🤔

You must not have played many games.. 

Ugh. I dont get the praise on this alpha, especially compared to what we saw in the reveal trailer. This was the 1st cod i was actually kinda excited for, and this alpha disappointed me.

While part of this can be absolutely true, as every puncture is unique and you really dont know the true extent of what damage was done without thoroughly inspecting the tire, the fact that its clearly sponsored by bfgoodrich does take away just a bit of its credibility... 

So... This is an article that exsists on a site called lifehacker. 🤔 Hmmm

Idk. Honestly with the lack of mid sized trucks now, and the rediculous prices of trucks now, it might work. For someone who dont need to tow 15klbs, and cant afford 40k+, but still needs or wants the utility that a pickup offers, i could see it doin fairly well. Hell if they could bring it in under 30k, and replace

Just more proof that liberals will go out of their way to try finding anything they can to cry about....

While i like my 08 jetta, so much so that im reading an article about a new jetta (never thought i would see the day) at the end of the day its still a $30k jetta.

Everyone complaining about the unfair advantage needs to suck it up and stop being a whiny lil baby. If you REALLY feel like you are at a disadvantage then get a cheap m/kb yourself. Its not that hard and you can get decent gaming combos for the price of an xbox one controller or less.

Alot of the things everyone seems to be questioning why, are probably used in collaboration for another crime. Either they were used to smuggle the drugs in in the 1st place, were seized in large quanities in a container ship that were destined for illegal reasle ect.