Ding ding ding!
This comes up at least as often as “women are predators too.”
The article everyone has been waiting for...
Yeah, as if the NYT didn’t call his camp for comment ahead of publication. They know exactly what it’s about.
And the only people worried about a “witch hunt” are men who put bits of themselves on or in others when they weren’t given permission.
The backlash that is to come is exactly why anyone who has been waiting for the right time to accuse a known predator within their industry should do it NOW.
in case the story is “damaging,”
He’s such a terrible piece of shit.
Louis C.K. has canceled the premiere for his new movie I Love You Daddy ahead of a reported New York Times story, in…
A 32 year old man repeatedly having sex with a 14 year old girl isn’t an “encounter”, it’s rape.
I just donated to Doug Jones campaign and ordered 50 blank postcards to send to Alabama voters to urge them to get out and vote for Jones! It’s supposed to increase turnout by 3% https://postcardstovoters.org/faq/postcards-2/
You can add Louis CK. He’s cancelled the premiere of his new film, and his talk show appearances in advance of a NY Times article said to be forthcoming....
I’m beginning to think this should be required auditory instruction.
It’s been called the “Weinstein Effect,” a kind of reckoning or reordering of a culture that has long invested…
I hope this purge goes on and on and changes the industry. I am a “Me Too.” I encountered so much of this stuff as a young actress that I dropped out and decided I would think of persuing it when I was old and fat. Both of which I now am. I hope they tackle ageism next.I’ve actually re-entered the acting field in the…
Will somebody, some day, some way explain to me what all the greying and ungreying is? I feel like I need to take a certificate course in it. I’ve been on Jez for almost 10 years now and I’m a forever-grey it seems, but that’s fine with me. It just seems like there is this whoooooooole labyrinthine system of…
I’m afraid that I agree. But stay with us, moounmoon. We WILL find another home - that doesn’t hate the folks who pay their rent.
Points for making me laugh this grey, polluted Delhi morning.