Nope. Did that at a family dinner a couple of weeks ago. My uncle high-fived me.
Nope. Did that at a family dinner a couple of weeks ago. My uncle high-fived me.
Succinct read: checks out.
Ah, okay! That, absolutely, if the “boss” in this situation is his own damn fragile, over-inflated ego. Fucking Id monster.
I also liked Jerry Springer’s tweet
Their next tweet is pretty good. Someone in the Lawrence police department has a sense of humor:
Hillary was ready, y’all.
“wtf” is the correct and only response to that tweet.
His reply was more telling, in that he called it a “small loan.” A small loan of $14 mil.
super hella fragile racist extra #Bragadocious
I really don’t have many friends on FB at all and it’s so funny to see the people still proclaiming “Both candidates are awful! I can’t stand either of them.”
42 days, 18 hours and 25 minutes until the polls close in Virginia and Florida and our long national nightmare begins its fluorescent death knell
On Monday night, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump met onstage at Hofstra University to debate the important issues…
On cnn, axelrod basically said reagan always prepared for debates so let’s not insult him by comparing trump to him
Tolerating each other’s bullshit since 1993 over here.
So far in this debate, Donald Trump has sniffled approximately 12,000 times, sipped a lot of water, and argued…
My husband and I have been a couple since 1998. There are days when we annoy the Hell out of each other, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We work well as a team. My only advice: find hobbies you can partake in together, and find hobbies you can partake in on your own.
Exactly. The internet is democratizing fashion, for better or for worse, and they need to get over it.
Siding with Lau and BryanBoy on this one. Their comments are elitist and hypocritical. They’re just mad because print magazines aren’t what they were and they’re too set in their ways to revamp their business model.