
Okay, I admit it. At first read, I thought that “murdering a hobo” was a euphemism for fellatio or a hand-job.

Holy shit. I usually stay out of the drama between commenters/groups of commenters here. Especially since I’m a fairly infrequent post. But between this thread, the thread in the mall shooting post from last night, and the slightly older thread where he posted a picture of a knife and said it would be the fault of

You know, I don’t have particular feelings about you one way or the other--sometimes you say stuff I agree with, sometimes you say stuff I really don’t, mostly you’re just another commenter. But it might serve you to consider why multiple women don’t want you in this women’s space and to attend to their

Flying squid is a person who has some intelligent and enlightening ideas and comments. However, the second someone challenges him on an idea or disagrees, he personally attacks like a rabid dog. Then, if he realizes he’s losing the argument, he jumps into an obscene self loathing, woe is me, feel bad for me spiral,

I was tempted to sing “fiiiiive goldennnnn rinnnnngssss” after you said that

I find it very disturbing he’s claiming people tell him to kill himself provides no links to show that and that people are doxxing with pics of his kid. If that’s true it’s awful but I’ve seen no evidence of it.

I should add though that I find it particularly upsetting that he has resorted to straight up lying about anyone who criticizes him by saying they’re encouraging him to kill himself. That is particularly vile to me and he’s a bully for it.

Yeah that is part of what is so troubling with him is because if you call him out on anything it immediately devolves in to “I’m such an idiot and I should just kill myself and everyone on here hates me anyway” and it’s SCARY! And it’s not cool to hold people emotionally hostage like that. I’d like to see him get help

Ugh I hate swipers. The solution is you star the photo and show them from your favorite folder. killed him?

People seriously have to stop swiping when somebody shows you a pic on their phone. You have a single view license of that particular photo unless you want to see a pic of somebody’s butthole.

If you play the “Freedom 90" video by George Michael, you can quickly see the only one of the current models who could have even been in it would be Cara Delevigne, and she retired.

Because the Kardashian family only identifies with wealth; not race, color, religion or creed.

I’m pretty sure that if it came down between Hitler and Hillary, Caitlyn would choose Hitler. That’s how far her head is buried in the sand. Absolutely no fucks given for anyone but herself.

Seriously. I have no tolerance for people who are willfully blind to the way their privilege shields them from the effects of the terrible, cruel ideas they support.

Trans people deserve a much better mainstream spokesperson.

I came here to say just that. She is a fucking ignorant dipshit whose wealth makes all the difference in the world. I can’t get into this. After the second season of watching Caitlyn, she is no fucking ally.

Caitlyn Jenner can go fuck herself.

He’s just so woke.

You’re a man accusing women of siding with rapists. Know your fucking place and stay in your fucking lane. You're every aspect of every worst ally ever.