I bet it’s the exact color of your shoes.
My literal exact thoughts. I also thought, again, how much I dislike it when people wear sunglasses indoors.
Apricot gelato sounds like it would be utterly amazing or ridiculously gross.
Yes, it was a bizarre montage. The song was released 17 years ago, and a huge fan favorite. I don’t think people were really there to analyze what they were seeing in the moment, but looking at it later was more jarring.
I don’t understand, is this the title for an episode of Private Practice?
As the biggest Jane Eyre fan of all time, this makes my heart happy. Thanks for giving a voice to complex women, Charlotte.
Everyone, please, a round of applause for Stassa Edwards, who is apparently a medium in addition to her other talents.
There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.
All Beckys. Every one a Becky.
Unlikely to reoffend!?!?!?!?!?!?!? For all you know, it’s the first time he got caught. Get upset about mass incarceration all you want - it’s a huge problem - but this guy is exactly the sort of person who SHOULD be doing time.
Every time I see a Father’s day promo, I think to myself-dad would have hated that.
When I read a tweet beat like tonight’s (more beat than tweet) I remind myself that Kara can only work with the hand she’s dealt.
Peerless and poreless?
She is the spit of her dad.
What happens is that people died and were buried and then we had hundreds and hundreds of years of wars and then everyone forgot and built car parks. It happens.
Not terribly surprising that someone thinks Amy Schumer is an asshole, but the fact that Notaro got so visibly upset instead of playing the whole thing off with a joke indicates a helluvalot more than mere prickly feelings.
I finally just went with the bandana. You look like an asshole, but you also don’t have to clean puddles off of the benches.
It would be difficult for this comment to be any more smarmy or self-righteous. Must be hard to see all the little people from up on top of that high horse.