Old one looks better. The grille is to pointy and the cheap black plastic air diffuser looks like crap.
ha, you are dreaming if you think the new games will be any cheaper. Even though they always cry about piracy as the cause for high prices they will never reduce them even if piracy fell to 0.
I hired some russian hacker years ago and he easily cracked Securom. He just recompiled the program so it injected the spoofed security data when called. Don’t think this new method could be that much harder.
Somebody should do the same for Poy Poy.
Why are we not naming this place and letting the IDS™ (Internet Death Squad) do its thing and get this guy made whole again?
Ya, old bitch! Deal wit it!
Anyone can look like a great passer and quarterback playing mediocre teams. I look like Joe Montana when I play the local high schoolers.
I guess that is better than calling it nigger music.
OMG, this guy sounds like such a bitch. Man up and smack a bitch. Then go get yourself a new whore.