when did the hidden fortress become seven samurai?
when did the hidden fortress become seven samurai?
Is this really news? A salesperson demonstrated this to me on a Droid 1 running android 2.1
""He's known as a man who gets things done... for a price.""
@showbiz2: "You know what I am getting next? A blu-ray that can do Netflix and Hulu."
wow, that is tacky
"QWERTY keyboard of the original (though it's supposedly improved) "
@resonance462: I choose quality over quantity. I'd rather play something and enjoy it than spend my waking life trying to beat games so I can beat more games later because more games are coming out. It's nothing short of an addiction.
It took me two years to beat shadow of the colossus. I'd pick it up every couple months and beat a boss. I posted online when I beat it and someone said "you should try hard mode!"
@Evdor: whatever dude. The internet is not a truck. It's a series of tubes.
...what if I don't want a sony, nintendo or microsoft game? what if I want to play eve or lotr online?
@screemname: google, gizmodo, facebook, freerepublic, whatever website you use the most would not be successful without net neutrality. You never would have heard of any of these sites. You'd be on Microsoft's Republichat or AOL Friends Network.
@aec007: The wider they make highways, the bigger the cars get. The size of data increases in tandem with the availability of bandwidth.
"Wireless carriers would be exempt from these strict net neutrality rules, as they have the need to be more flexible in their network management."
drama queen sky waitress. I see how these four words might not go together well.
@Markarian: ughhhhh
Bill, it's totally cool that you dropped out of college and got 80 billion dollars out of the deal, but it normally doesn't work that way.
"Sonic Colors Gameplay Excites"
The casting wasn't the problem with avatar
@jschoenakase: Thanks Jonathon. I admire your dedication to helping keep your community safe.