
canadians watch american football? weird

oh jesus god stop being racist to yourself and looking for it everywhere people are just people

it looks delicious

These scans are OPTIONAL.

@Purdueable: they're in lukedukem's head, he makes them up as he goes along

@Googlo: thing's got 25 buttons on it - which one's the brake?

@Arken: what about herbie fully loaded?

bfd. dont like game? dont play game

@Navin R Johnson: define "seen photoshop." Every photo will definitely have been resized and color-corrected. You'll see the same here on gizmodo. If by "seen photoshop" you mean "re-touched" that's another story.

forget that. I want a Nargle detector! Can it sense Nargles?

I doubt most users have more than one gmail, google docs, and google calendar account.

where did these come from?

@nootron: I would've figured Google Chrome was the best example

"If you have the ability to deliver a reasonably strong signal, then those around are owned," Paget said.

@paulrules: The keyboard on the Samsung Epic looks way better. I don't know why the numbers and letters are combined on the Droid.. it is a phone, after all

Conquistador Spawn sounds alright

@SegFault: It's just disappointing that they don't want to deliver the game in its best form.