Stynky Lomax

So this is what happens when black people dare to think differently? This is what happens when black people have the audacity to have an opinion that is not in line with the rest of “their people”? They get called “black white supremacist”, “MAGA negroes” and “conservative negro darling”? It’s almost as if their

It was shown during the trial that Trayvon Martin was on top of Zimmerman at the time he was shot. How long will the “innocent” line be towed? You know who was found to be innocent? George Zimmerman was found innocent. Zimmerman should have stayed his ass in the car, sure, but he was found to have defended himself.

Simple. He was found not guilty in court.

“We are allowed to call each other nigga because we’ve been called that by whites for the last 400 years”.

Do you actually not understand the difference between manufacturing evidence and recreating the discovery of already existing evidence for video purposes?