Stynky Lomax

It's interesting how this gets to be news but there's a blind eye to all the homicides and shootings in Chicago and Baltimore. I guess those pesky little murders can't get in the way of a good ole' racist story, huh?

So the snap chat filter should come with a punch in the face and years of teasing? I don’t understand. Do you eat vegetables? How dare you eat vegetables without knowing what the farmer went through to plant, grow, and harvest them. You wear clothes? How dare you wear clothes without knowing first hand what the

PLEASE tell us your daily hate stories so we can all know how oppressed you are. We're waiting...

How dare you explain how the filter works! Don’t you know it’s there to make people look white? You’re an obvious shill for the patriarchy. How much are they paying you to say these logical things! *Reeeeeeeeee*

The snap chat filter is not like wielding a weapon, it's an app. It's not dangerous to anyone. If YOU have an issue with it, don't use it and don't look at posts of people who use it. See how easy that is? No one is forcing you to look at or use the app. Get over yourself.

Appearance is directly tied to whether someone is perceived as a man or a woman. In many cases it’s not good enough for a biological man who wants to “transition” to a women to just remain looking the same as they did. What do they do? They go out and buy women’s clothing, grow their hair out, wear makeup, and attempt

No one is making anyone live in an urban area that has shitty air quality. Get over it. As for the pre-existing conditions, deal with it.

Who cares?

Cry babies all around. Nippsey Hussle's death was not tragic, it was a by product of the life he chose to live. Many more people die through no cause of their own, feel bad for them, not this guy. 

Waiting to see how this is going to be blamed on Trump. Please don't disappoint.

It’s about control. They can’t control you that easily if you can defend yourself. You can’t defend yourself against them with a pool or French fries, thats why they don’t argue for those things. That’s why they focus on guns. They know what they want and they try to disguise it by saying “it’s for the children”, when

The responsible thing for you to do would be to find the nearest bridge and dive head first off of it. You’d be saving oxygen for the rest of us. Do your part! 

Are you assuming at some point gun owners will get bored and just shoot a living thing to see what it’s like? Don’t project your sick fantasies on others. 

Vehicle related deaths outnumber firearm related deaths. Vehicles are machines of death. If you own a vehicle you are risking your life and everyone’s life around you. Get rid of it. Any means of transportation other than walking is too dangerous for us. I may petition to make walking illegal as well, people trip and

Move to California. You’ll be happier.

Settle down. The biggest problem here is you married into a family that you absolutely hate because they own guns. You’re probably a ball of fun at a family even, aren’t you? Jesus Christ, just get a divorce. 

Group think: for people that are too afraid to have a different opinion.

No. Got any other arguments? 

Are you serious? First, a 1911, being a heavier gun, doesn’t “kick like a mule”. Lift some weights, friendo. Second, on a traditional 1911 pistol, the back strap safety, which I’m assuming is what you’re referring to when you incorrectly state that “the safety is off the second you pick it up”, is a secondary safety.

I’m actually okay with a few thousand deaths by accident or negligence due to a firearm. Just as I’m okay with tens of thousands of deaths due to vehicle related incidents and obesity. I like cars, and I occasionally like to eat bad food. Just because I have self control and don’t drive irresponsibly and eat myself to