Mooshki Mitchell

If the changing mat protects surfaces from the baby poo, then it should protect the baby from a dirty bathroom, no?

He sent his kids to a Scientology school. Maybe he's not officially a Scientologist, but he's a Scientologist.

Also, who exactly asked you to "court" or "sooth bruised egos?" Nobody cares what you do. What I'm saying is that a President is supposed to represent ALL the people, not say "I don't need your votes so I'm going to be condescending and dismissive of what you want to do to help the country." If Hillary can't even

Trump is a piece of shit. And yeah, there are bigger things at stake in this country, which is why we cannot afford a President like Clinton who is all about protecting the status quo.

Yeah, it's a real bitch. I may change my mind in November and vote for Hillary if it looks like Trump has a chance of winning my state (unlikely) but I will be supremely unhappy about it.

A decade ago I would have voted for her. I can't now, because I think our country is in desperate danger, and she is not the one to lead us out of it.

I know that 99.9% of the stuff Faux News says about her is total bullshit. Benghazi? Email "scandal?" Complete bullshit. What I don't like about her is her policies and positions.

Yes, it will.

I'm a former (thanks to how awfully the DNC is currently acting) Democrat who hated Dubbya and Cheney. Hillary is way too close to them for my comfort.

See, that's the exact attitude that makes us say "never her." Who wants a President who says "If you're not with me, I don't give a crap about you?"

Sorry, you lost me at Hillary Clinton. I would LOVE to see a female president, but not her. Never her.

I thought it was Nelly?

So great when a violent abuser makes good.

But still no sign of the L&O mothership's return?

And also a wonderful, amazing place, full of very friendly people. Who are trying the best they can to fight back against the fucked up ones.

"Whilst in other anthology news…"

My favorite was when Brenda pronounced it Whey-zah-tah on original flavor 90210.

I didn't like Forrest Gump but I agree he was really fucking good in it.

Congrats! Great job of misrepresenting what the study actually says:
"…as people get older they stop keeping up with *popular* music…" Most of my friends my age don't listen to Top 40 stuff, but they do listen to a hell of a lot of more obscure/local new music.