moose truther

hi i think you have a lot of good idears and i want to talk to you more about them these animals they are freedom fioghters and i think its the lefty pinko freaks who would suggest we eat them you know why because they are cannibals think about it its all just a big flat circle and if we are all the same species as

10 jumping jacks and a glass of water!

I've read that eating an apple will give you more energy than a cup of coffee. Good luck! Also chewing gum will help you concentrate when taking the test.

Amphetamines, cocaine, crack, electric shock, take a deep breath...

I'm sorry, where do you think you ARE?

WOMEN........BUZZKILl??????? WHAT IS THIS NEW JOKE I HAVE NEVER HEARD BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This. I work with people who just want to hug all the time. I like working with them, but barely know them, and hate it. You do a great job, ad agency people, but I don't want physical contact. My colleague who also works with them is a total hugger. STRUGGLE. Last time we met with them I intentionally was a little

Cold bitches, united, can never be defeated ;-) Let me know how it goes!

Sounds awesome! And lots of cold beers (Sol or Pacifico).


Yep, was in that exact position when I started teaching (was younger than you are, felt the same way and over 10 years later in a new career I'm having deja vu). It really helps to remember that you're not an other, you're part of the same team as people who have done the job for anywhere from 1-40 years and thinking

Oooooo. I'm moody...

Hey guys!

My fiancé called to tell that he got married, as I sat on the bed, looking at my wedding gown.

it tasted a little like gamey chicken, darker though. It was made into meatballs with a sauce out of native Australian fruits. An art gallery opening of Aboriginal art and food

Personally, I think that one can care about both without being a delusional, privileged idiot like that lady. Also, we absolute must work on ways to make farming animals a more humane process. That said, the idea that you can feed a city of millions with free range animals is hilarious. Yeah, good luck with that.

Kangaroo, possum, rabbit, goanna (a big lizard) moose, buffalo, eel that I caught myself from the river near my house, yabbies (a type of crayfish that lives in fresh water dams). Haven't tried horse, or cat or dog. I'm obviously Australian

Who is going to speak for the plants? I've seen plants slaughtered en masse or left to die excruciating and painful deaths in windowsills. Every living thing has an equal right to life as human beings and deserves a movement. Otherwise you're a Kingdomist, recognizing the rights of some kingdoms of life and not

I am hiding in your bushes, in a giant rabbit costume. By the way, that's an interesting choice of underwear but you should try leopard print.