
Yeah that was odd

Loved this one. Perfect balance of all the great elements.

I weep for the future


Doug and Carrie Doug and Carrie Doug and Carrie

I kinda like American Housewife but does her weight have to be a made a point on every episode? It's funny enough without that. I can see the first few episodes to get it all out there but now it's eh.

I went to school with someone from there…she was very unpleasant.

I need a spin off where he only discusses the various states he drives through in the RV

This made me laugh, thank you

Must have had a pre-existing condition

*sigh* i'm tired

Not enough John Lennon

Are we sure he was sitting?


Start the clock!

This could have made a great game show on 30 rock

Those poor children.

DDL is clearing his scheduled for Monday…

Typical Thursday for him
