
Those movies are just fantastic.

Thank you so much for this.

HOT TAKE: I'm a millennial who doesn't like this show. At all.

WELL I'm sold

I have not watched this show, but I just came here to say based on that picture Jen Aniston is a lucky, lucky woman.

So he won't be in Kicking and Screaming 2?

Yeah I had to go back to make sure that he was indeed smirking at the end.

I loved the lily of the valley shout out.

I haven't caught up yet but more people need to watch this show!!

I believe the first part should be "how do you do fellow kids"

that's the spirit!

3 months in and this is the first apology this administration has ever and will probably ever produce. Sad!

Now including hair tousling!

Stewart is still sitting in his living room right now rustling ALL the papers on the coffee table and scribbling his pen on the walls

Mr. Ice Tray*

Those free personal pans in elementary school through the book it program were gold.

I really never got the Shosh love and she was just straight up mean spirited in this. I understand people maturing and growing apart in different ways but it didnt seem like her to be so petty.

Yeah and whatever that 9 minute show is they were promoting sounds terrible. They sounded like they were getting offended when he was making cracks about amazon shows. Whoever the girl was besides Lynch was the most painful to listen to.

Oh no…no no no.

Is he still trapped in that dome?