
Dragging chris brown is our right as Americans

2 hours!?


Fuck yea!


Better than JLaw

You're goddamn right.

18 far too many..

I thought I was the only one…

The first time I saw the CMZ crew going crazy I LOST it

I took the plunge and rewatched the later seasons this year and while they did have their issues it wasn't actually as bad as I remember. I enjoyed Dwight's transformation. There was still some funny stuff, but obviously not up to par with episodes like dinner party.

I love getting lost in that entire world, I just started rewatching the first few epsiodes

I revisited glee a few months ago…worst decision I ever made. Granted I was in high school at its height and the target viewer I still couldn't believe how cringe-worthy some of it was.

No no…

But what does Maxwell Keeper think of all this?

Yeah I'm not sure what exactly happened but I don't even tune in anymore. It's very repetitive in its story lines and I just dont care about any of the characters

Freddie! Be still, my heart…

Season 4??

I know these really mean nothing, and at this point it will never happen, but it really bums me out when The Middle gets absolutely no love.

Fever is my jam